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jlong-wysiwyg .blogspot.com ♥

July 27, 2009
clare posted at 11:57 PM

have put on so much weight unknowingly.. god... am so major sad right now. :(

anw, MLWSW T,N,F,V and J. HEHEHE
P, go and die! :D

and, i reallllllyyy have awesome classmates. :D
W46M, i love ya alllll! :D

July 10, 2009
clare posted at 11:55 AM

as it always is,
everytime a new harry potter movie is about to come up, i start reading all the books all over again.
but this time, i've decided only to read book 6 and 7, cause i've read 1 to 4 at least 4 time each and i firmly believe that too much of a good thing isn't good for you somethimes. HAHA
stayed up the whole night just to read deathly hallow, which was a terrible decision. Now, im so damn tired, i cant freaking concentrate in school.
and guess whats the worst thing? i have to go for an injection later on. worst nightmare of my life.
am so not looking forward to it. :(

AND, i have UT later on.
cbbb to to the ultimate maxxxxxx..
science somemore.
someone, just pass me a pen knife already. :(