February 28, 2007
clare posted at 8:19 PM
fark mans. my hand phone got confiscated again. :( by miss kaur. nd she will onli return it to me one week later. urghh.darn pek cek lahs. wat an unlucky time.zzz.
i m gonna miss my phn. :(
wondering how to survive without my phn again. HAHAs.
nd i SWEAR. pawan is gona die tomoro.xDD hahas. dat ass sprayed water at me until i was damn wet. but it was damn fun lahs. HAHAHa. but im not gonna let him off. =.= hahaha. i onli sprayed alittle at him. DIe. hahaha. =.= lame shyt.
things are changing. :) :)
nd i m changing too.
ROARS. becoming fierce. HAHAHA. i am. :)
today damn funi. hahaha. stay back after sch to.... den me nd pei ni KEEP on LAUGHING nd laughing over the stupidest jokes ames nd yuexian they au crack. =.= lame. HAHAHa. but was having fun. i guess. that was all that mattered? FUN. :) :) :)
filling my thoughts of u boy. :):):) sweet. hahas.
clare posted at 2:42 AM
as i was writing my opinions for the PiLLOW ANGEL ETHICS.
my tears just dropped.
i dun feel it is fair at all.
her story is reali sad. smhow.. i tink that it is not rite AT ALL.
but wat can i do? im just a by-stander. an OUTSIDER.
no rites to interfere.
she does not need to be small size for u to love her.
she does not need to be small size for u to care for her.
open ur eyes.
for fark's sake. she is a SIX years old child.
and shes braindead.
she cant feel physical pain nd discomfort.
so u are actuali contradicting urself.
damn it.
clare posted at 12:11 AM
farked up.
nobody noes. onli her.
feel that wateva im doing now is not right.
i shldn't have..
im doing my eng homework now.
the pillow angel ethics.
n im feeling so pissed. how can her parents do that to her? are they human? for fark's sake. thats their daughter they are toking about. damn it. she blardy missed a chance to live normally. just becoz they think what they are doing is rite,it doesn't mean IT IS.
but its always like this in life.
we do things w/o thinking of the consequences. nd veri soon...will be paying the price.
a veri costly price...
went to bugis today. bought new off-shoulder top nd angela zhang shao han's cd.
thanx xuan.
zzz. but sm ppl bastard narhhs. i dun wan say name out. make me damn du lan lohs.
stead not like that give u play derh ok. knn. serious abit can anot? wah lan ehs. fark off if u cant do a gd job of being her stead.
nd smone say me nd xuan look like sisters. hahaha. nd say i look like 19 yrs old!! :) xDDD. i look like 19 yrs old. OHMYGAWD. :) do i look mature? hahaha.
yes i DO! :) but 19 too old lerh lahs. =.= hahas.
iim feeling so messed up.
feel like such a bytch smtimes. i was one-step too late.
if.....would we?????
smtimes.i feel like im deceiving myself. lying to myself.
waiting for his ans was a nitemare nd NO ans came. =.=
stupid ass. nvr reply my qns.
actin like i dun care. but deep down.. i do. but at the same time.. i dun wanna noe the ans.
coz im AFRAID.
get it.
i shld stop. i dun wan things to end up...
iim such a bytch. nd iim sorii.
was looking at those pics we took on sunday. nd i looked HORRIBLE in MOST. hahas.
but it was quite funi
to see lahs. :)
we were damn pro. shawn said we took a total of 200 or was it 300+ photos. :)
hahas. cool. but deleted alot coz veri blur. i looked liked a freak can? zzz. hahas. :)
wei ling looked nice in most. hahas.
shaun took VERY little pics.
jon was the MAIN so there were quite alot on him. :)
nigel.. wah lao ehs. got so mani of his pics. zzz. like shawn was in love wif him like that. kp on taking his pics. hahaha.
shawn looked nice as usual. nd was daring to try out alot of things. :)
beautifulmemories. :)
February 26, 2007
clare posted at 10:00 PM
:) hahahaha. i realise dat if iim a bitch.. iim a veri smart bytch!! zzz. lame shyt. hahaha.
i was SO tired in sch today. :( coz yesterday slp so late. hahaha. coz of the COFFEE FLOAT we had yesterday. damn nice. but end up.. canot slp. hahahaha. DUMB. xDDD.
i have a feeling things are changing between us. girl.. haish. just duno wat to say..
maybe im just being over sensitive.
lalalalalalala. so sian.. zzzz.
hahaha. today we opened our class deco present. nd we were like a bunch of PIGS snatching for the food.xDD. hahaha. but veri fun narhs. nd den veri funi. hahaha. :) i love FOUR E. xDDD
LLOVES. :) going off. hahaha.:)
clare posted at 2:35 AM
hahaha. cant fall aslp. coz of the cofee float i had just now. WAS DAMN SHIOK.
nd i m such a saint. i helped Nigel ong to create his blog.*applause*.
cant fall aslp.cant fall asp.cant fall aslp.
February 25, 2007
clare posted at 11:42 PM
ALRITES. just came back from jons b'dae celebration. xDD. IT WAS LOADS OF FUN. my gawd. we ate GOOD food the WHOLE day. first in the afternoon,we ate at thai express.. then we went BOWLING. xDD. was LOADS OF FUN ND LAUGHTER. WERE JUST PLAION WACKY. HAHA. play nd joke around. tok LOADs of pics today. reali. it was damn farking fun..THANX GUYS.
then GUESS WAT?? we had DINNER at NEW YORK NEW YORK. hahaha. FARKING FANTASTIC PLACE. GOOD SERVICE. hahas. but it was farking expensive. we all had a different main course each nd we shared all our food. then we bought a b'dae cake.. CHOC CHEESCAKE. HEAVENLY. hahaha. nd we had CHOC FONDUE. nd the staffs there oso sang b'dae song for jonjon. he was damn hapii lahs!!! xDDD. nd guess wat. the bill was a farking total of ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY NIE DOLLARS.. zzz. hahas.
:) :) :) hahas. had loads of fun today. nd we were just plain HIGH. thanx jon..shawn..shaun..weiling..nd nigel. hahaha. :)
after eating played pool for awhile. hahas. veri fun. hahas. :)
found out alot of tings.SAD man. urghh. wtf. NVM. FORGET it.
iim hapii the way i m.
i love life the way it is.
i will never do things that will make me,or the ppl around me unhapi.
clare posted at 1:10 AM
HAHAHAHAHA. :) blogger got smting wrong. oh wells.nvm. :)
MISSED ME? hahaha. i havent been blogging for?? TWO nites? hahas. no..3. hahas. coz its morning now. oh yah...
:) later going to celebrate his b'dae!! wif shawn they all. cant wait. :)
before that going to my godmummy place to bai nian first. hahas. :)
today i had to work..coz luke was short of ppl. well.. i have to say. I missed working ALOT. hahas. i enjoyed today. though i was damn tired. whatsmore we had that compeition in the afternoon. hahas.bi had a surprise today.. my parents came to visit me at my working place nd eat there. how sweet. i was so touched.hahas. then we taxied home. :) hmms, we got FIRSt for the compeition. GOOD NEWS HUH?? but its not. coz unpleasant things happened.. delta nd marlins quarreled. i realised that WE DELTA are a veri VIOLENT lots. marlins are FRENS. not ENEMIES. :( nd yet they could quarrel.its quite saddening.
went tolook through alot of blogs. then i realise. after the camp.. i seem to have changed onli a little bit. i still am quite the same lazy me. nd THAT CANT CONTINUE. theres oready proof that WE CAN DO IT. for the new year deco. so if i put in my 100% likewise in my studies,I CAN DO IT!. hahaha. :) i wun let my parents..frens nd teachers down. i SWEAR. :) :) :)
this few days have been tiring. :( hais. but its ok i guess. i paid attention for CHEM. *faints* hahaha. FIRST TIME IN MY WHOLE ENTIRE LIFE> hahas. nd i oso did my chi hw. mr yip must be damn hapii. but i still cant do math. coz MRS NG IS SO ULTRA BORING. hahas. SAVE ME/. NO PROCRASTINATION ANIMORE. STUDY STUDY STUDY. hahas.
oh wells. SHAWN IS ULTRA SWEET. hahahaha. :)i LOVE SHAWN NG. xDDD. ok. nd he is ultra bytchy too. hahaha. <333
SHAUNA> coz u are my teh neh neh GOOD FREN!! best fren. hahahaha. <33
YC> hahas. good for u!! how was genting? :)
HUIYI> hahas. u are lovely.. i NOE. hahaha. :)
AMES> stupid ames. never leave link how i link u? hahas. thank god im smart enuf to find ur link. xDD. :) hahas.
SAM> hahaha. thanks GURL. LOVE YA!!. :)<33
MEL> hahaha. THANK YOU DARLING> xD. mwarks. :)
xDDD. LOVE everyone.
smtimes.in fact everitime..
i do things i oways end up regretting.
i make choices that i regret in future.
i hope the choice im making now...
i wouldn't end i regretting like i did for the others.
February 21, 2007
clare posted at 10:09 PM
i lost $90. to dat CHIA. hahaha. xuann won ALL my money. T-T
ii wan cry lerhs. hahaha. its dumb man. hahas. so sad. but its a lesson learnt. hahas. i will learn not to gamble so much lerhs. i swear. hahaha. xD i will try.
den i saw something that was utter crap today.
it WASN"T a stupid rumour. it was true. admit it.
the weird thing was. though i was shocked. tears almost dropped.i dun understand why though.
was that how he perceived everiting? was that how he saw everiting?
if it is.. then fine. forget it.
YEo yeeting is UTTER CRAP. hahaha. she is blardy entertaining me on the phn now. hahaha. xD. LLOVES. :)
xuan is going to be $90 richer tmr. hahas. its alrites. :)
went to watch epic movie today. wif loads of ppl. xDD. it was damn farking farni can? ahaha. i laughed like hell man. hahas. it was hilarious. but kinda lame too. hahas. :) but i loved that movie!! u guys shld go catch it.
next on my list of movie to watch will either be a horror movie or GhostRider. xDD.
signing off.:) lloves.
clare posted at 12:54 AM
realised my post getting shorter? dun cry. hahaha. let me find my inspiration first. hahaha.
LLOVE everyone.
btw. i bought a new eyeshadow today. VERI VERI nice. hahas. :)
URGHH. putting on weight. becoming farking fat lerh larhs. hahas. T-T niid to JIAN FEII!!! hahaha. i can nd i MUST do it. hahas.
i forget lerhs i forget lerhs i forget lerhs.
iim LAME. hahaha. :)
guess wat? i love ALL my frens. esp my fellow biatch. hahas. NORR CHOO. JESS. TEE R W. nd EVRYONE !! xDD. mwarks. hahahahaha. :)
clare posted at 12:13 AM
bet u're wondering why im starting this post on a HAPII note.
welllll....dats becoz...........
I WON $50 today!!!! HAHAHA. today is tues. hahas. i won 50+ by gambling today. :( bad me. hahaha. but it feels so shiok narhs. hahas. xDD. :) we played black jack nd in between. damn shiok narhhs. hahas. i woke up at 12:45. CANOT BLAME ME. coz i REACHED HOME onli at 5+ in the morning lohs. :( hahas. den i went xuanns hse bai nian lerhs. den went tinggs hse GAMBLE!!! hahaha. CHUN ANN nd CHUN LEONG nd SU MIN nd YEE WAN nd my TWO DARLINGS nd
KOR at tinggs hse gamble. cool mans. hahas. alot of farni tings happened along the way.. but iim too lazy to list them out. hahas. :)
den yesterday i went to my mums side derh hse. hahas. oso gamble. win alittle bit onli. hmms. at first win alot. den afterdat lose them. hahaha. but at least i won. hms. this few days gamble nvr lose money at all norhhs. COOL. hahaha. but kk narhhs. better not get addicted. hahas. :) :)
hmms. dis few days was quite fun. but the thought of having to go back to school tmr just makes me so darn pek cek. zzz. quite sian. BUT. tmr we will have the FRUITS of our LABOUR. :):):) how nice!! hahaha. we will be getting our prize. FourE RAWKS. mwarks. hahas. :)
tink tats all???? yupps. i guess so.
REPLY TO TAGS> :)XUANN.> hahaha. nvm narhhs. got clowns entertain me mahhs. xDD. :) yar loh. sia lah. wan fark me sehs. hahas. iLu. HEARTS UU DARLING.
KHAI> hahas. u first day noe me arhs?? O:) see that HALO above that smiley face. xDDD. :)SHUANA> YES BEST FREN!! hahaha. :) mwarks. iim so hapii. hahaha.hapii new year too!LUAN> :) hahah.stupid ass. =.O hahas. mwarks. love uu. thanx for tagging. hahas.HONGLENG> hahas. kks. will link. :) LLOVES.MEL> YAR LORHHS. sibei siann lohs. hahas. but nvm. we get the present. xDD. :) FOUR E RAWKS!! hahas.i miss u so much.
not a day passed w/o me thinking of u.
im sorii.
February 17, 2007
clare posted at 11:31 PM
today is chinese new year eve! :) so i went to this expensive restaurant wif my fathers side derh cousins. zzz. nd the food weren't tat great either. :( stupid. so expensive somemore.hmms. hong ping is still the same as ever. he is rude to his parents smtimes. but i can see dat he loves his dad alot. hahas. he is reali sweet to his dad by giving him foods. helping him to take food. damn sweet. he can be mean to his sister. but he actuali treats her quite well too. i tink he is just trying to show that he doesn't care about his family.. acting macho. but deep down. he loves his family alot alot.derh rest are still in their own world as ever. i guess its cause of the age gap bahs.tmr still have to go my popo hse. which is my fathers side. its going to be darn sian lahs. hais. i used red coz its the auspicious colour. xDso today. i was clad top to toe in I.P zone stuffs. lols. sxcept my skirt. my shirt. my jacket nd my shoes were all from i.p. zone. HAHA. my cousins must be thinking i m weird. LOLS.
kk narhs. gonna go settle some stuffs.buhbye. LLOVES. :) hahaha. HAPI NEW YEAR SOON!!!!
clare posted at 4:07 PM
DUNNO WATS HAPPENING TO ME. :) but looking at those previous posts. i realised i have changed alot. ALOT.
i promise to be the gurl i was. if not. BETTER> i swear i will be the CHEERFUL nd hyperactive gurl i was. :)
LOVES everyone. hahas. smwarks.
clare posted at 3:24 PM
SO mani tings just happening.
have to remain strong. still too soon to break down. :)
thank you everyone. for the support. :) things will be fine. i will be fine. i swear.
FourE rawks forever. FourF rawks forever.
TwoE'05 rawks forever too.
JH. thank you veri much for all ur support. i m reali grateful. thanx alot alot. wat u said makes sense. but i need time to figgure out. :) thank you.
SEBAS. thanx again. nd its not ur fault. dun nid feel guilty. coz u made me realise alot of things. thank you. nd dun be so sad animore kks? shes reali not worth it. if she can do all those kind of things to u.. nd still use u after dat.. i dun tink shes a nice gurl. im sorii tat things are so bad for u. cheer up boy. :)
NORR. hey babe. thanx for everiting. u were always there for me. nd u could understand me. words cant express my gratitude. thank you baby. mwarks. i love uu. remain strong. BE strong. i love you gurl.
XUANN. thanx for everiting too gurl. sorii for all the attitude i gave u. wat a mess. iim sorii baby. i promise to make everiting better. if he dun treat u good nd put u first place. den i dun tink he is worth it., i wan u to be hapi gurl. i love you. mwarks. thank you for everiting. <33
TINGG. gurl.. sorii for all the times i attitude u too. im so sorii if i ever neglected uu. i promise to treat u better baby. i love uu loads. gurl. i duno wat went wrong between u guys. but im oways here to listen if u ever need. i swear i will be here. i love u. thanx for everiting gurl. mwarks. <33
FOUR E. guys. WE CAN DO IT. i swear. that FOUR E WILL NOT BE THE BOTOM ANIMORE. FOUR E RAWKS FOR ETERNITY!! mwarks. we can do it!!! we must do it!!! :)
im trying.
clare posted at 1:57 AM
today was a farking sad day. although i had fun in the afternoon.. nd our class got 2nd for the CNY decoration.. bad things happened.
shit happens all the time. but well. i guess the one things we(FourE) were looking forward to,were the prize presentation. WOW. we got 2nd place. we even beat 4j. which is kinda unbelievable. yep. but i think FOurE deserves it. coz they have been putting in alot of effort.
to FOUR E, iim sorry guys that i wasnt there to join in the fun. coz i decided not to come to sch on this particular day. iim sori. i regreted not coming lerhs. LOL. den canot go HIGH wif u guys. hahas. i love u guys loads. thanx everyone from four e for making this possible. smwarks. ii love u guys forever. mwarks. i love all of u so damn much.
i met ming xuan,peggie, ames,llewelyn nd hoyin to go back to pri sch today. den at there.. we met kai xun nd jonathan lam. den sebestian foo oso came along. we slacked at our pri sch all the way from 12+ to 4+. xDD. me.. xuann. piggie. sebastian. jon nd khairul den went to play ground nd slack. den jon had to go off. den the rest of us sit down there nth to do. haha. chit chat nd play lame games. den we decided to go back. change nd bathe den come out nd meet for dinner. xuann decided to go to church last min so we went off w/o her. we went to causeway point derh pastamania eat. at there we saw almost all of the 4f ppl, hahas. having reunion dinner. so cool. den nigel ong nd minette looked damn nice man. hahas. den we went to eat nd had so much fun. den we went shopping nd i bought a new jacket from i.p zone. damn damn nice lahs. den i saw THE BYTCH. wif watson. den we walk walk walk den we saw jonathan teo. onli that he din see us. hahas. den we cab to sunplaza. khairul went back. den we went sun plaza derh mac nd slack nd den xuann came. we played loads of stupid game. den this blardy aunite made me so angry i shouted at her not to diao us den the whole mac looked at me. *oops* but fark care lahs. dat auntie so guailan. zzz. at mac.. we toked bout alot of things. den sebastian told us his story. we forced him to. his story veri similar to our story. i felt like i was hearing qiangs point of view wen sebastian was toking to us. hell. i felt so god damn farking guilty. i realised.. hell. iim such a farking bytch. i nvr tot for him.nvr stood in his shoes. it was just ME ME nd ME. iim sorii. it was so similar. but its too late for regrets. BYTCH. no use animore!
den i saw wei ling. den we went back. den KOR called me. things went wrong. i reali duno wat to do. feeling overwhelmed. i onli have a heart. i reali cant take all this. iim sorii. i dun wan my BEST gurlfrens to be hurt either. i love them so so much. but all this are just words. i have to prove it. nd i m sori ppl. if i have neglected uu. iim sorii. im such a blardy bytch. iim reali sori
then i was at my hse downstairs. din feel like going home. coz wanted to think through things. oh god. wat is happening. whole time sebastian was there. he was damn nice. he pei me the whole time nd gave me his opinions. iim sorii to make him wait so long.den i went home at around 1:30 am. thank you sebastian..
sorii mum. make u stay up just for me. reali sorii for being so selfish.
hell. this is too much. iim sorii.
February 16, 2007
clare posted at 1:22 AM
things are all going wrong.baby. i just miss u so much.its all my fault.. i din noe how to treasure everiting in the past..nd its too late for regrets now.god noes how mani chances i was given.nd yet. each time..ii messed up.god noes how much u suffered throughout the whole time wif me.nd yet i was still so stubborn.you are the onli one i want. the onli one dat i reali need.so mani things i just wanna say to uu boii.but its so difficult just to look at you,much less tok to u.its painful to noe dat u dun care animore.it hurts just to noe that things have truly ended.i want u to be hapii.but the selfish part of me just wonder.does it hurt u as much as it hurt me tat we are no longer together.smtimes the memories comes slowly back.smtimes its a flash.everiting i do. it reminds me of u. so painfully.ur smiles. are the onli ones i want.ur huggs. are the onli ones i desire.ur kisses are the onli ones i yearn for.nd a place in ur heart is all i wish for.i tot i was strong. i tot i din care.but no. im breaking underneath the mask.i tot all i needed..was to forget.but i realise i cant do that.no matter how hard i try.its not gonna work.yesterday is gone.will tmr ever come?soon there will be light.nd yet another day will past.but the same old things will always happen. i LOVED uu. nd i always will.
February 15, 2007
clare posted at 11:59 PM
OK. great. i was forced to change my blogger. :( but its alrite i guess.
today after sch..had SS lecture. fell aslp. *oppS* den went home. slept..den came out nd meet xuann at sun plaza. bought new clothes xD. i love my new top!!! xDDD its white. nd i look like an angel. ok.let me rephrase that. ii AM an angel. HAHAHA. kidding.
hmms. dats all lohs. at first wanted go back canberra tmr. but abit sian sian lerh lehs. HAIS. duno why
hmms. kk narhs. dis few days is like.. zz. so sian narhs. like nth to do. aniwaes. tmr is CNY celebrations in sch. how sian. but nvm. can see performances, hmms. BAND JIAYOU. hahas.
so yar. tis the plan. ermms. NEW YEARS EVE go restaurant eat wif my fathers side..
NEW YEAR go my fathers side there to celebrate. then CHU ER is mums side. :) GAMBLE. xDD. cant wait.
i realised in my blog post there is alot of SIAN. HAHAHa. kks. its my outlook on things that makes it sians.. so.. i m gonna be moreOPTIMISTIC. xDD. :)
reply to tags:NORR> YES!! :) hahas.DANNY> HAHA. thanx. :) yep. finally. hahas. too busy celebrating wif MINT?? xDD.FARAH> hiee babe. :) kks dear. linked uu lerhs. xDD. hahas. SHUANA> yea man. hais. quite nervous, hahas. but its alrite if we win or lose. :) hahas. coz we gave our100%!!! mwarkss babe. love uu. hahas.YILUAN> :) hiya baobeii nuer. mwarks. hahas. thank you!! :)xDDDMELISSA> hahas. hihie. thanx for tagging. xDD, mwarks. HEZEL> HAHA. i wun lohs. T-T. hahaha. NORLYN CHOO. rmb T.T? hahas. xD. aniwaes.. hezel.. im AI ZAI DERH Ok? hahaha. :) thanx for tagging!! hahas.JEANIUS> hahas. hi babe!!!! :) hahas.
February 14, 2007
clare posted at 10:01 PM
today is supposed to be a hapii day!! :)
iim hapii becoz i got manii presents!! hahaha. from my beloved frens. xDD so sweet norhhs. i tink tis is the first valentines day i got so so mani presents. HAHA. :)
had fun today. nd i did my compo!! for the veri first time coz the bytch beside me kp on entertaining me by doing monkey stunts so i wun fall aslp. HAHA. aniwaes. mr yip must be damn proud of me larhs!! hahaha. xD first time u noe?? the motivational camp worked. hahas. but i have to say my standard of chi sarks. so mani words i duno how to write. nvm u noe. but my language was atrocious. hahaha. i read oready can PUKE lahs. but i made an effort. nd i m gonna give my 100%!!!! xDDD.
to gurl- cheer up babe.. its alrites ok? we are oways here. u are not alone.dat i can promise. alrites? we love you loadssssssss. mwarks. with all my heart. i love u gorgeous. u always noe the right thing to say nd rite thing to do. some day...uwill figure out wat to do.. mwarks. take care!!!!
(i hope u noe hu u are) LOLS.
im such a lame bytch. :(
buhbye. have a hapii day!!
all i wanted was to celebrate wif uu. it will nvr happen so i gave up. :) its alrite!!!!!!!
February 13, 2007
clare posted at 11:55 PM
today. the class was fantastic. EVERYONE PARTICIPATED. whether it was cleaning the windows or watsoever. but EVERYONE played a part. :) nd i m so proud of us. :)
we could do it. we CAN do it. :) we MUST DO IT. hahaha.
yesterday i was ready to give up. looking at the state our class was in. but THEY PROVED ME WRONG. just wen i wanted to give up. they showed me such a thing called BELIEF. they believed they could do it nd they did!! UNITY. we played as a group nd we worked as a group. :)
LOVES!!! :) :) :)
we LAO YU SHENG nd had LOADS OF GOODIES. hahas. cool arhs? :)
so today after the CNY thing was over, me,xuan,norr nd val went to kfc to eat. den xuann faked stomachache nd went to buy cake for val. :) heart shaped lychee cake. xD.
den sang b'dae song for her loudly in kfc. we asked samuel nd his frens to come help us celebrate oso. hahas. gerald nd another gurl. :)
damn cute lahs. hahas. we couldn't finish the cake so we forced her to carry the cake around nd told her she could onli throw it away until it was all finished. so we walked to mac..BK ndNP to find ppl that she knew. nd VAL VERI SPORTINGLY completed the "dare". :) we asked ppl like.. fazli nd his stead. shaun,zhongshou,xiang hong nd watson. lily,veron nd sweelian. roger nd his fren nd oso one of her duno hu fren. hahas. :) finally after it was finished,we went to take NEOprints. xD. den we went to buy valentines day prezzie!! xD.
HAPII BIRTHDAY VAL!!! smwarks.i spent alot of effort on this years v'day gift. hahas. :)
for all my beloved frensss. :) smwarks all my frens.
reply to tags:
YC> hahas. ok. :)
SHAUNA> yea babe!!! FOUR E RAWKS!!! smwarks. :) hahas. we gave our 100%. :) nd
thats gd enuf lerhs. :)
JS> u are jun sheng arhs? hahas. :) thanx for tagging. :)
VAL> hahas. dun need thanx!! :) smwarks. hapii birthday. hahas. :)
XUAN> hahaha. thanx!!!!! nd welcome. hahas. smwarks darling. i love you too!!
NORR> hahas. its not ur fault!!!! xD u were sick ok? aniwaes u gave ur 100% too!! :) smiles. i missed u alot lohs. :( hahas. love the pic?? :)
February 12, 2007
clare posted at 10:03 PM
damn. i duno wat the fark is happening. i just. urghh. feel so messy suddenly.
my 100%? i tried. i reali did. but NTHS farking happening.
i m giving my best shot but everything is still a disaster as ever.
i just dun blardy understand why.
everiting is so farking messy. including me.
no concept. no plan. jus wat the fark am i doing?
making a mess.thats wat.
HAH.easier said than done. i m feeling overwhelmed.YES.thats wat it is. i just miss hiim so blardy much. but theres nth i can do. i just wan to give my best shot nd make FourE NICE. but its not blardy working.
iim feeling blady irritated. at MYSELF.
my STUPID DUPID msn nick can be so cheerful at times i cant blardy understand why.
nd now. i cant bloody express myself in my blog. wat m i trying to do.
useLESS FREAK. yes. tats wat i m.
i cant do this.i reali cant.
to believe that i can actuali study nd pass my O'lvls is plain WISHFUL thinking.
how did i get that confidence. pls find it back for me. i swear it ran away wen i din notice. maybe it decided to give up nd find a new owner wen i was decorating the class.
ND FARK THOSE UNCOORPERATIVE PEOPLE IN THE CLASS LAHS. PLS. this is ur blardy last year. can u pls just blardy spent abit of ur time to do smting. WILL U DIE FROM IT? just becoz sm of u din attend the WORKSHOP it doesn't mean u have a reason to be "un-motivated" ALRITES? nd those hu went to the WORKSHOP. u noe WAT IT MEANS BY 100%. we cant do this w/o the whole class effort. pls. help...
but if u reali dun wanna. den forget it.
i give up.
norlyn choo din come to school today. i missed her bytchnes nd her laugh. :( she could oways tok to me. nd cheer me up. miss her so so much.
February 11, 2007
clare posted at 11:37 PM

MIIE. @ clarity cafe. the place i used to work.


MIIE ND XUANN. @ clarity cafe. hahas. wif candle light. xD.

dat time we went bugis. :)

me nd THE BYTCH. KISSING.hahas. :)

xuann posing wif our pandan cake. xDD

NORLYN choo. at ngee ann poly. hahas.
cheerleading. xD

xuann oso. hahas.
clare posted at 10:19 PM
alrites. i came back to elaborate more about yesterday. HAHA. shit it man. yesterdays post was so random. coz as i was actuali writing the post.. my eyes were about to close. LOL.
ii LOVE all MY FRENs. MY SCHOOLMATES. nd MY FAMILY. :) 100%.ii MUST do iit. ii WILL do iit. MOTIVATION
todays drum lesson was GOOD. iim learning or TRYING to play GUNs nd ROSES. its an old song. i noe. HAHA. but its DAMN DAMN farking difficult cans? hahas. but im having fun learning. nd im giving my... 100%!!! :) :) :)
alrites... iim damn damn scared i will lose all my motivation. NONO. i wun. :) i MUST do it. ii CAN nd i WILL!!:)
oh yah. yesterday HEARt.SPORTS. WE WON!! xDD. WE WON!!!!!! oh my gosh. the motivation do work. hahas. coz before that i kept going round telling my team mates. WE MUST DO IT. we cannot try. WE WILL WIN. HAHA. nd we were playing against the same team that we lost to last week. so now. we will be playing against the marlins for 1st place. damn scared norhhs.coz the marlins are strong. nd accurate. but not to worry. we will give our 100%!! :)
LLOVEs all muhh frens!!!! BE MOTIVATED ALRITES?? xDDD. SMWARKS. WE WILL ND WE MUST DO IT!!!!reply to tags:YC-:) jk lahhs :)VAL-HEHEHE. hahas. xDDYILUAN-HAHA. more than fun. ITS FABULOUS!! :) hahas.SHIMIN-HAHAS. neither can ii!!! NYNY RAWKS FOREVER!!! xDD DANNY-link uu lerhs. yea u did alrites? LOLLS. :) LESLIE-nahh. iits alrites. :)SHAUNA-Hahas. I LOVE U TOO!! thanx for being my teh neh neh fren too!! xDD. smwark. YANN-xDDD> i love uu too GORGEOUS!! hahas. :) smwarks.p.s. GREAT. i have to reach MAC at 6:45 tmr. wtf?? coz of the lit project. so have to wake up early. zzz. sian narhhs. :(
nvm. 100%!!! jia you!! :) hees.
clare posted at 12:38 AM
NINI!!! ii <33 all of uuu!!!!
thank u god. for
Adam Khoo Learning Technologies Group. thank uu so veri veri much.
today..MOST of us cries again. nd today,i realised alot of things. lots of things.
my mum nd dad came. even my sis!! i was reali GANdong. den yar. we kinda ''reunited" we understood wat was wrong. nd i love my family. I DO. SMWARKKS.. i love my mum nd my dad!!! they are the best on the whole wide world. although i cant be the most perfect person. i wil change. trust me. i love all of uu.
today.. i reail felt so guilty. like i neglected so mani so mani ppl. in fact. the ppl dat we normally neglect are actuali those that needs us the most. they are those quiet.hardworking one that sits by themselves. nd we oways tend to not realises they are there. becoz we just simply pretend that they dun exist. nd why? coz we DUN BOTHER ENUF.
wats wrong wif me..i missed out on so mani things. so mani wonderful things. but now its time to put them all back. BECOZ
THE PAST DOES NOT EQUAL TO THE???? FUTURE!! evn hiim.FAILURE=LEARNING EXPERIENCE.even the time wif hiim. but its all in the past now. its time to forget. nd move on..
we wrote letters nd made small cards for frens that we wanted to thank today. :) nd i reali enjoyed doing them. :) i made so mani for all of them. but i couldn't say finish wat i wanted to say. so i shall complete now..
DANNY: a big thank you. we are ever grateful. u helped me to find that love i had for my family once. nd for once we saw the vulnerable side of everyone even the strong boiis. which made us feel good. coz we will nvr be ashamed of the fact that we did tings like this before. we love uu NINI. :) uu rawk!!! smiles!! :)
CANDICE: again. a veri big thank you.. teaching us the techniques of speed reading nd pushing us to out best. reali made us fufill our potential nd realise that we could actuali do so much.. :) thanx babe. u look reali gorgeous. :)
STUART: if not for u.. i wun noe the path i wan to take in future animore. i wun even study. iim ashamed to admit. aREALI BIG THANK YOU. :)thanx!! :) EVER GRATEFUl.
SYLVESTER: Alrite. nth to say except. uare reali cute.HAHA. jkjk. aniwaes thanx for making all the music nd stuffs these few days. :) reali grateful.
XUANN ND TINGG: II LOVe uu my two baobeiis. u guys were oways there for me nd i relai appreciate it. :)thank uu. ii love u guys so much. SMWARKS... i cant live w/o uu two. LLOVES.
Hezel,Edmund,Chad,Shaun,Nigel,Pawan,Farid,Lesliend others lahs. thanx oso for making this camp the most fun ever!! hahas. thank u guys. u guys rawks. :)
alrites. i decided to be smarter nd more mature. STUDY HARDER. i WUN create so much probs animore. promise. i want to acheive my goals. i just hope my motivation wun run out. HAHA. jia you!! we
WILL do it.
WE CANOT TRY!! WE MUST DO IT!! :) hahas.to achieive my goal. PIA!! CHIONG!! JIAYOU!!! *smwarks*. *HUGGS* :)
i will try to forget. i swear. i m trying.
February 10, 2007
clare posted at 12:16 AM
OK...today. practically the whole class cried... *awwww* how sweet. for our parents apparently. coz danny was like oh so sweet.. *sarcasm* HAHA. but he was alrite. aniwaes. we were reali touched nd overcame by wat he said.
MUM,DAD.. oh gosh. i feel so guilty now. it seems like. i din treasure them. din take care of them. simply.. i took them for granted. just like most of us do. so now its time for me to realise my mistake nd to correct it. I LOVE U MUM ND DAD. :) :) :)
the instructors are right. i guess. no matter how much they crap nd tok. it wun help unless i help myself. so i took one step. nd actuali invited my parents to the sch tmr. actuali its later oready. HAHA. :) WONG JIN LONG has matured!! xDD. i realised. i have to study.. if not... therres no choice for me AT ALL. i gotta decide wat course i wan ASAP. gotta plan for my future. i dun wanna have to stay back norhs. :(
i m going to study. nd she will quit smoking!! :) we will do it. we must do it. :)
oops. i m SOOO influenced by the camp. :) xDDD. its a gd thing though. hahas. :)
tmr still gotta go for Heart dot sports. ermms. yar lohs, quite dun feel like. HAHAS. evil i know. but i kinda feel like attending the motivational camp more. alrites.alrites. i WILL go. coz i oso dun wanna have a walkover. nd i will give my 100%. xDDD. CAMP AGAIN. :) HAHAs. i m sooo into the camp. xDD.
today smting touched me alot.HAHA. its this small things that make a guy a gentleman. :)
Nigel..thanx norhs. :)
HAHA. i cant believe how stupid i m. STOP iit wong jinlong. alrites? u are DUMBDUMBDUMB. stupid ass. hell. i cant help but rmb oways.. i cant do this. i cant....
February 9, 2007
clare posted at 12:12 AM
clare posted at 12:04 AM
ALRITES. today had my motivational camp. it was damn damn fun narhhs. Danny was abit freakish but still.. entertaining. HAHA. Stuart was quite nice too. but a little serious. i tink candyce was freaking awesome. DAT GURL'S CUTE!! xDD. den today watched ROCKY 3. pretty touching movie. blardy awesome show. :)
learnt loads of things bout how to study better nd everting.
how to get myself motivated. quite cool norhhs. xDD. :) but iim tired. so i wanna get to slp lerhs. HAHA. studying can leave to tmr. LOLS. SLACKER. i noe. xDD .
LLOVES. fourE'07 nd fourF'07 RAWKS.... xDDD. smwarkss. LLOVES.
February 7, 2007
clare posted at 11:35 PM
today went bugis AGAIN. siann narhhs. but i got my pay. 200+. at 1st i was damn scared..but end up. everyone was REAL nice. xDD :)
din buy aniting today. sad norhhs. :( so much money but nothing to buy. xD GUAI LAN. hahas. :) before that we went to chongpang. to buy the class deco ting. hahas. so fun narhhs. xD. :) we plan alot of things. after the judging, we are going to have a party!!! xDD. cool. hahas. so plssss... fourE. stay back alrites??? for onli awhile. nd on monday we gona make our class the most BEAUTIFULLEST. xDDDDD> we want to win this year. :) thats our AIM. :) jiayou!! i love fourE. smwarks.. :)
i treat xuann to dinner today. xD TOP-QUALITY SIRLOIN STEAK. alrites? xDD cool horrs? :) den we had CHOC FONDUE. how nice.. *oooh* xDD :) LLOVES.
NORLYN CHOO. y u have so mani n.o.? HAHA. :) LLOVE UU. :)
February 6, 2007
clare posted at 9:03 PM
*YAYYS!!!* ii got my phn back!! xDD. FINALLY. HAHAS. I WAS SO DAMN EXCITED NORHS. xD. :) ii love my handphone. i cant believe i survived 6 blardy days w/o my hp!! HAHA. :) xD. alrites!! :)
today early in the morning had to go see mrs sim. coz of that bitch. fark mans.den had to sit inside 3A for 2 period. nd i fell aslp. HAHA. aniwaes. my mum nd xuanns mum went to see mrs sim in the afternooon. zzz. wen they were toking inside, me,mingXUAN, mingSHUANG, qiaohui nd jolene were gossiping about teachers outside. HAHA. BITCHES.xDD aniwaes. that phlip NG is farking ACT can?? knn. in front of mrs sim like DOG like dat. PATHETIC. =/ WEAKASSDEN SABO US INTO MORE TROUBLE. fark manss. knn. dat yeo oso. cb. wan sabo den say lahs. dun ACT can?? ccb.
make me so farking du lan.ARGHH> CCHY SARKS. den me nd xuann were made to sign a blardy stupid contract. HAHA.dumb.
aniwaes. i wanna slp early today, so darn tired. zzz. slept late last nite. coz of the lit project. :(
NO.i cant either.
clare posted at 12:09 AM
my freaking ear hurtts like fark. urghh. coz after i bathe.. i had to change my new earhole. den wtf. it hurts like hell now. FARKFARKFARK. its bleeding. :'(
alrites. aniwaes.. i got the ASKENENE BAG i wanted. :) xDD so hapii. erms. i decided i din want the top. HAHA! coz it was too mature. LOLs. aniwaes. so damn hapi i got the bag lahs. nd i got it at $25!!! hell. freaking cheap rites? thanx to xuann. xD aniwaes. bought loads of hair clips for me,ting nd xuann today. xD. nicenice. :) we went to BUGIS after that stupid counselling shiat. HAHA. aniwaes. it was funfunfun. walked around bugis street. i wore my heels. nd i was in agony. wat gurls do for beauty. HAHA. ok. i m FARKING VAIN. i admit. zzz.
during math today.. was blardy summoned to see mrs sim again. hell. at 3A. den she down there kp again. den tomoro parents going down. LOL. if we dun get off easy. simkia can stop hoping for a better life. coz she WUN.
i have to do lit project. i made pam pissed by not going for the meeting oready. i had better do my part. SORII.
alrites. buhbye. GUAI KIA GOING OFF. xD>
its time to forget nd move on. :)
but can ii?
ITS GAME OVER. for me.
February 5, 2007
clare posted at 1:32 AM
i just realised my previous POSTS. had so mani andS. coz i forgot to write down wat i wanted.
just changed my blogskin. nice?
just cried. HAHA. nnd i tot i was strong. HOW DUMB. its no use crying. things wun become better. feeling so empty. just wat is wrong. i cant tell. coz i m feeling so muddled. like everitings wrong.
ii love you. ii just miss uu so much.
hey gurl. rmb i said the sun will shine? tings will become better. dun dwell on it lerhs. at least he told u. ii love u alrites? u will always be MY BIATCH. smwarks. ii guess it is always like dat. we are two broken hearted bitch. LLOVE uu.
February 4, 2007
clare posted at 11:55 PM
OH YAH!! and and and and XUANN ND LULU WENT STEADY!!!! pheweets!! i m so hapii for them. xDD. :) LOVE IS IN THE AIR. hahas.
jia you!! last long alrites?
i love u baobeii. i wan u to be hapii. :) mwarks. i m hapii for uu. :) xDDDDD.
clare posted at 11:52 PM
AND AND AND DARREN WON!! ok. not that i watched jue dui superstar. but i just support darren. HAHA
i was rite. tingg nd xuann said diya will win. but i supported darren. but i found out that he is not a nice guy. zzz. :( so now i dun like him HAHA. i m so dumb. xDD
clare posted at 11:34 PM
ALRITES!!!! SINGAPORE WON!! *PHEWEETS* xDD. i m like soooo damn hapii lahs. nd NORLYN CHOO said that the person hu scored the goal was cute..wtf.. nd i missed it. :( how sad. HAHA.=.=
ok. nd i realised i m such a self centred biatch. LOLS.
HAPI BIRTHDAY GUAN YI. :) today went to his b'dae party before my drum lesson. it was quite ok lahs. i tink i like the egg nd flour part most though. LOLS. it was cool. but then we had to clear up after that. hahas. the food was not bad oso. :)
after tat we had our drum lesson.finally.today we played once through w/o any mistake. xD. :)
after drum lessons,went to tings hse. nd played the fool. cool worhs. hahas. applied nail polish. we three have the same shade of dark maroon for our feets. xDD SISTERS FOREVER. :) LLOVES.
andandandandandandand I LOVE NORLYNCHOOOOOO. xDDD. she is my darling BIATCH.xDD LLOVES.
iim just so craazy playing these few days. must be hapii. :) hahas. coz things will be better. dun tink too much!! :)
clare posted at 12:26 AM
saturday: was asked to play poison ball at the last minute.coz they not enuf ppl. den dey dun wan walk over. so ask me go. zzz. i cab down to singapore chinese gurls school. nd guess wat??? I was the LAST ONE STANDING for the first set. xDD> cool arhs?? :) but we still lost. :( but its ok. jiayou!! DELTA SHARKS!! GOGOGO!!! :)
den after dat we went shopping at bugis. :) bought lots of new things.. xD a new top. a new skirt. a new pair of slippers ND a CAP.xD. damn cool norhhs. i love it!! too bad i dun have my phn wif me. if not i can take pic nd post on the net. :( nd i din wear my heels today coz there was sports nd it wasnt veri smart to bring heels.hahas. so i wore slippers. (:
bugis has a shop called ASKENENE. (pronounced ask-ker-neh-neh) HAHA. its true. this is the way its supposed to be pronnounced. xuans COUSIN IN LAW opened the shop nd its DAMN DAMN DAMN cool. :) pls do visit that shop if u go to bugis street. it sells clothes that are sophisticated to clothes that are punk. DAMN COOL RITE? hahas. :) nd i fell in love with that top that looks damn sophisticated. nd the black bag. :) i m so going back to buy it. that top cost $32 nd the bag cost $36.:) ANG BAO money. xDD. :) LLOVEs.
cant wait for CNY. gonna GAMBLE like mad. oops. iim not supposed to do that. HAHA. :)
i m seriously shag. zzz. feel like just going to slp. zzz. hahas. nitesnites. swtest dreams. :)
February 3, 2007
clare posted at 2:24 PM
*Awwwww* my legs are killing me... sobs. the 3.2 km i had to partially run yesteraday is sooo killing me. :( muscles cramp. dun say im weak. its 3.2 km ok?? oso.. i din reali get to rest properly the whole day. poor me.
haish. walk n walk n walk.tonite going shopping again. so gonna die!! but nvm. its alrite. :)for my favourite pastime. i m willing to grin nd bear it. im oso wearing my heels!! xDDD VAIN ME. xD i noe i noe. :)
hope my muscles will soothe itself. *ouch*. :(
clare posted at 12:48 PM
ok..... UPDATEsssss. :)
X-country first. alrites. there WAS MILO. :) good news. bad news?? me,xuan nd ting walked SSOOOOOO slowly dat by the time we reached the final point. the milo was FINISHED. sobs. wat the?? sad lohs. HAHA. but it was fun norhhs. throuhout the whole time we were walking,xuan was pushing nd bullying simkia like mad. xDD. we had our x-country wif canberra sec. den saw mani of my ex-sch derhs. :) cool. HAHA. but some of them damn kp norhs. kp on making snide remarks about our sch. den wen we were running halway. becoz we one big grp of gurls walking den they shout wat "one grp of cbs blocking the way". i was DAMN farking du lan. so i shout back " den u all one grp of lan jiaos running together." HAHA. :) den i saw my ex-sch mate in that grp. HAHA. ass lohs. make fun of our sch?? go to hell. :)
2nd.. dat simkia got us into trouble. coz on friday..xuan slapped her 4 times den i slapped her one time. her face was damndamndamn red lahs. :) oso got blueblack. zzz.den she go complain to mrs sim. HAHa.complain complain lohs. i dun tink will be big prob bahs. coz onli slap nia. HAHa. but hors. dat bytch wan make police case. siao. small case nia wan go make police case. HAHAS
police is busy derh norhs. dun care about small matters like this derh lohs. hahas. so altogether xuann slapped her 4 times. i slapped her 3 times. :)
OK. i went for 3 days w/o my phn!!!! how sad norhhs. :( i nvr msg nvr aniting. zzz. i just miss my phn so much. so much. hais. wen can i get my phn back.....
ok.still got wat else to say arhs??? ermms... oh yar. i pierced my ear again. left ear at the top. :) tink tonite i going to pierce smmore wif xuan. xD. see bahs. tonite going town i tink. :)
oh yahs.
HAPII BIRTHDAY LOUIS. :) :) :)hahas. yesterday went to town at nite around 8 or 9 plus. to find lulu nd his frens. den his frens all so swt derh norhs. give him surprise. :) hahas. :) den me nd xuan around 12 or 1+ den reach hm. xD. :)xuan come my hse stay. she just now den go back. :)
tink thats about all bahs. :) hahas. take care. :) LLOVES!!!!! xDD.
HOPEFUL. ..but its hopeless.
February 1, 2007
clare posted at 11:32 PM
today was a horrible day. :( coz my hand phone was confiscated. nnd my mum dun wana take it back for me. nd mrs sim says she wun return it unless my mum go find her. i wan cry lerh lahs. :'( today i went for the whole afternoon w/o my phn. i feel so lost. i cant stand it. i cant stand this feeling. HAIS. i wan my hp. my k750i. i was like so darn jealous wen i saw jia hao nd pingwen using the phn lahs!! wth. i wan my hp!!! HELL LAHS. nnd the cause of my farking misery is YEO SAI LIN. knnbccb. dun dare to tok back to me. but go write complain letter to mrs sim. FARK UU LASHS. ccb. u make my blood boil. expect me to write sorii letter to u?? U WAIT UNTIL THE DAY U DIE LAH. nbcb.. coz of u dis blardy bytch my phn tio confiscated. fark you. u die lahs., i m gona make ur time in 4e a LIVING HELL. farking trust me. ccb. now u song lahs. see me like dat. knn. u oso damn humji lehhs. ccb. dun dare to tok back to me nd dun dare confiscate my phn den go complain. knn. no balls lahh. the farni thing is hor. my REFERRAL LETTER was a farking TWO page shiat. wtf?? i not so bad ok?? evenxuan oso shock dao wen she saw my referral letter. coz at first she tot i was exaggerating. end up. HAHA. it was reali farking long lahs.knn. LONG nvm lehhs. teacher dat NEVER teach me come farking complain about me. WHAT THE FARK IS THIS? nvr teach me still tok cock so much. sabo me. kp lahs. damn pissed man.
den a total of 4 teacher complain about me. including 1 dat nvr teach me. zzz. fark off lahs. i hate CCHY!!! CCHY SARKKS like fark!!! OH WHR IS MY HP??? i wan my hp. i reali dun like the feeling of not having my hp wif me lahs. hell. pls. nd u noe wats the worst?? II DUN HAVE A TEMPORARY PHN. knn. canot even msg lahs. hell.i totali lose contact wif the world. NOW I HAVE TO WRITE 4 SORII NOTES NND A PROMISE TO CHANGE. WAIT LONG LOHS. i will NOT. ALRITES????? farking hell. du lan lahs. wah lan ehs. zzz.
but horrs.today smting shiok happened. xD. ii SLAPPED simkia twice!! :) so shiok narhhs. the gan jue. HAHA. i love it i love it i love it. nd she is damn pathetic norhhs. xuan ask her to squat, she like dog like dat squat. HAHA. den dun dare tok back. but she ppeng weii norhhs. den make us so du lan. den i slapped her twice. tosettle the taichi. but the matter between xuann nd her haben settle. lets wait nd see. xDD.
but i tink hors i slapped not pain enuf norhhs. coz i so weak den is like hand beat her no strength derh wors. so sad norhhs. but nvm bahhs i guess. zzz.
i reali wan my phn. zzz. DIE. X-country tmr. DIEDIEDIE. so scared lashs.nvm. au of u JIAYOU wors. tis year we last yr lerhs. lets jiayou!! :) alrites? :) HEES.
ii miss u..
clare posted at 12:06 AM
today toked to simkia during recess. she cried again. im seriously in no mood to tok to her lerhs. she make me so damn pek cek lahs. forget it.
YEO SAILIN SARKS TO THE NB FARKING CORE LAHS. iihate uu i hate uu i hate uu ii hate uuuuuuu!!!! urghh. u make my blood boil.bytch. iim going to do my best to irritate u. :)
oh yahs. this fri X-country. ALOT of blardy rumours say no MILO. FARK THEM LAHHS> cb. if reali no milo derh hua. ii mm just gona SLACK!! wtf?? every year. wen iim about to give up running. the thought of the delicious milo running down my throat kps me running on. giving me the strength to continue. the MILO acts as a motivation. nnd now they blardy hell tell me no MILO?? fark the sch!! zzz. how can it be? DRAMA> XDD. HAHAS. :) but reali lorhhs. wah lao ehs. if no milo i can die. =X ii wan the milo. i wan go on strike lerhs. T-T why no milo????? why?? tell me why??? i wan cry lerhs. the milo reali damn nice lohs. zzz. HAHAHA. i sound like some blardy kid whining lahhs!! xD. alrites alrites. aniwaes..our new principal sarkks!! i noe i noe. i kp on finding faults wif ppl. zzz. wat the hell. i shld stop. but i relai dun like that ong lohs. zzz. to hell with him. :)
wats happening. ii miss his smell so much. ii miss his huuggs so much.nd i just miss hiim so so much. why?? it was all my fault. so i have no rights to talk as if im the one suffering. i have no rights at all.iim feeling so contradicted. iim sorii. ii just miss ur presence so much. but i just have no guts to....... iim sorii.