January 31, 2007
clare posted at 11:53 PM
OK. GUESS WAT?? BECCA's B'DAE IS OSO ON 29th JAN. OHMYFARKINGGOD. how could i? how could i farking forget her b'dae? shes my best fren. oh my god. i sarkk lahs. wat he hell. i can t believe i forgot her b'dae. feeling so goddamn farking guilty. iim sorii. reali sorii...
BECKY gurl. i miss u so much. ii miss saturated fats.rmb all the potato chips we used to eat? nnd share? how we made it a rule that all of us had to bring a bag of potato chips to sch. nnd shawn was oways the most generous 1. bringing BIIG bags of potato chips? how we used to have fun. the laughter we shared. the tears we cried. becoz of smtings that happened. in the end. things turned out alrite. becky gurl. i just miss u so much. so much. u were our pillar of strength. the funniest gurl. the coolest. rmb how we used to go over to ur condo after sch during exam period? to play pool? we lied to our parents we were studying. but we were actuali hapiily playing pool. how we played squash? nnd just slack tgt. wen are u coming back to singapore? wen u come back..will tings still be the same? even if things do change. will we stil get tgt again. US. saturated fats? ii miss those good times we had. but they are all in the past. babe. ii can stil rmb ur voice. ur smile. ur face. do u still rmb ours? we lost contact after u went overseas. occasionally an email here or there. but nvr continuously. babe. ii love u. nd i miss u.. come back pls. iim sorii i forgot ur b'dae...
ii sark.to forget her b'dae..... but guess wat now. BECCA,JESSLYN nd BING WENS b'dae are all on the same day. gosh. how ultra cool.
ii love u becky. MWARKS.
January 30, 2007
clare posted at 8:36 PM
HELL. so darn sians.. just found out that X-country is this friday. this freaking friday. wat the?? ii dun wan to run. zzz. its so darn sain lohs. waste of my freaking time. coz i cant run. =X DIEDIEDIE. hais. heck care bahs. just SLACK. xDD. chit chat. :) dun nd run. zzz. hopefuli. hahas. :)
TODAY WAS FREAKING FUNI LAH MAN. ahhaha. mne nd xuan was walking home. den suddenly xuan say :''AUNTIE.HAPII NEW YEAR". wtf. HAHAHA. den is like the auntie got a shock. i bet she is trying to rmb if she knows xuann ornot. HAHA. i laugh until my stomach farking pain. nxt time try again. xDD my two darlings are so cute lahhs!! :) LLOVES THEM TO THE CORE> XD. :) MWARKSMWARKS.
today ii tok an afternoon nap. ohmygod. feels so shiok lahs.HAHA. so long nvr sleep lerhs. just feel so damn shiok narhhs. :)
i wan go do my stuffs lerhs. :) buhbye. take care. :) c ya... :)
January 29, 2007
clare posted at 11:19 PM
quite long never update lerh worrs. hahas. nnd i kinda like forgot wat happened. i will try to write down wateva i can rmb. but aniwaes.. before this day is over.. i just wanna say..
HAPPII BIRTHDAY BINGWEN NND JESLYN. xDDso cool norhhs. birthday on the same day. hahas.
JESS: bytch. hahas. hapii sweet 16 b'dae!! hahas. love uu loads lashs. hahas. just wanna say.. stay cheerful gurl. rawk on!! :) LLOVES> xD
BINGWEN: hey gorgeous.doubt u will see this. hahas. but yea. hapii 18 b'dae man. :) take care norhhs!!! xD
man. how i hope my b'dae wasnt in dec. zzz.sian narhhs. so late. hahas. but this year is swt 16. i wong jinlong swear with all my heart to make my gd frens b'dae celebration the most special ever. alrites!! hahas. i swear to make it memorable. xD becoz its sweet 16!! :) yea. have to go record all my frens b'dae nicely lerhs. :)
hmm.. alrites. aniting interesting these few days??
THURS:. xuann had tuition. before tuition ii brought her to the doc. xDD aint i sweet. haha. after her tuition we meet bing wen lerhs den went lulus hse. coz he is LAME. xD. canot walk. leg swollen coz they were playing BLIND MICE. zzz. how dumb. hahhas. but its kinda cute lahs. hahas. den jiu went hm lerhs.
FRI:. nth much. went to sch. den went for lunch den went to work.
SAT:. celebrated bing wens b'dae. :) at marina south eat the steamboat. atfirst i dun dare coz i tot it was pretty unhygenic.den after tat i tot fark care lahs. just eat. aniwaes i ate loads of hot dogs. hahas. :) xuan was sick. poor her. we gave bing wen his present. xD. pampers. zzz. lame. hahas. nd we forgot to give him his actual b'dae present. dumb rite?? zzz. cant believe we forgot. aniwaes. we drank abit dat day. den wen we went back. xuan vomited on the train. den we alighted at braddell to let her wash up. den i tink we missed the last train so her parents came nd fetch us. i went to her hse to over night. next morning woke up den went to church with her nnd her mum.
SUN: church was reali boring. i fell aslp. zzz. i tried staying awake. but i couldnt. sorii. aniwaes. after church her parents treated us to sakae. so damn good narhhs. den bao zhen nnd her frens hazel nnd christine came oso. quite fun narhhs. den went home den went for my drum lesson. messed up big time man. zzz. played load of mistake. damn farked up manns. was just so darn pek cek wif myself. i could play that bloody piece of song but tat time i just couldnt farking concentrate. wtf mans. alrite enuf about that. on to monday. zzz.
MON: bing wens nnd jesslyn's b'dae. :) aniwaes today during recess we toked to simkia. tat bloody bytch almost cried again lahs. aniwaes. i just wanna say thanx to all my frens hu supported us. hHAHA. :) reali appreciate it norhs. LLOVES> xD sim kia is so DEAD. xDD xuann was damn cool narhs. xD hahas.
guess this about all bahs. :)
btw. hu noes wen is cross country? can tell me? hahas. thanx. :)
iim just oh so hapii being single. xDD :) hahas.
btw. i quit my job. :) din wan to work animores. study better bahs. :)
guess i was wrong again. thanx for giving me false hope. iit seems like everiting i tot was wrong. trust me. i will never so easily again... never ever. coz iim strong!! nnd i love my life the way it is now. mark my words.
take care everyone. :) smiles.. lloves..
January 24, 2007
clare posted at 11:37 PM
ignore the previous post. emo kid just visited me.sorii.
two tings to blog about.
zzz. first about simkia. wtf manns. uu this bytch. so scared until u run away arhs? dare to complain but dun dare to face the consequences?? too bad gurl. u incurred my wrath nnd now u pay for iit.
secondly. wtf manns. u can bloody hell go nnd die lerh lahs. wtf. uu tink u teacher den reali verii big arhs? since sch reopen till now.. i nvr reali argue wif u at all lerh lohhs. we were so much better than laast yr can? then u tink wat?? we nvr argue.. we diam diam den we scared of u arhs? oways suan me. everiting oso must be my fault arhs? pls lah. YEO SAI LIN. uu watch out. u wan war?? fine. uu will have war. bytch! pls larhhs. so damn flat still dare to wear so tight shirt. at least.have some shame can. zzz. loser. cant even control the class. how pathetic can u be? u tink that by scolding nnd showing u have authority will make us scared of u? no way woman. uu make us even more rebellious. more pissed. ok? since u say i stay in chem lab onli bring danger to them. fine man. i dun wanna stay in ur class nnd see ur farking face any longer. i go out. woman. i wun let my last year be so easy on u. still have the bloody cheek to ask me to pick up the chair. no way man. lets wait nnd see woman. yar. u are the teacher. but the teacher dun oways win alrite? bytch. ii hate uu. uu are the worsest teacher ever!! HATES!!
zzz. today sch was boring as usual. but man.i m feeling so shag. wan to slp lerhs. hahaha. nnd today ii was like super super high lahs!!! haahaha. ask my classmate nnd u wil know.. yea. BEST FREN. xDD hahas. crzy me lahs. but i had fun can?? :) but the last period was chem. nnd the chem teacher made me so farking du lan. zzz.quarrel wif her lerhs den just walk out of the class. spoill my mood!! but i oso stunn. like why suddenly i so angry at her? LOL. but i dun give a shit. den at outside slack. forgot to bring my hp out. den was so sian standing aound with nth. so went to the back of the chem lab nnd ask my classmates to pass me my phn. hahas. xDD
after sch. tingg went home. xuann came my hse. we slack awhile den ii bathe lerhs den change lerhs we go xuanns hse. den she bathe nnd chge lerhs, we cabbed to tings hse. play volleyball. hahaha. tok cock. sing song. xuann play piano. xDD she fast learner wors. tingg say derhs. hahaha. :) den went home at around 9.50. coz xuann had to reach hm by 10. we cab hm. iim broke. T-T hahaha. so sad..zzz. k lerhs. i tink i go slp lerhs. nites world. love ya.
clare posted at 1:25 AM
sigh. feeling so depressed now. im pretty sure i messed tings up again. i oways do. like why cant i ever do aniting well?? why do i always mess things up. dis situation plain sarks man. iim sorii. i'm not good at words. no. i cant express myself. i duno wat to say. ii m just hoping. with all my heart. that thisng will turn out fine..
January 23, 2007
clare posted at 12:21 AM
ALRITE ALRITE. :) iim updating. onli coz theres so mani nice things to tok about..:)
lets see..
FRIDAY. *pheweets* we made sim kia cry. xD. alrite. stop giving me a gulit trip. mani of u have been going on about how bad it is. i know it. but i just cant help it. xD sorii. but i was kinda shocked she cried. but now i dun feel sorii for her. coz she complained. nnd got xuann almost into trouble. zZzz. cant believe it. so now me nnd xuann is pissed! after sch we went to the ngee ann poly fielld trip. my BLOODY AIM is to go there. xD but i cant. coz of my grades. aniwaes. i m just crapping. iit was quite boring. but we saw daphne khoo nnd taufik. i dun like him. sorii to taufik fans. but i just dun tink he sings nice. during PE. me. xuann. norr. nnd yan had a GREAT time. playing the fool. HAHAHA. shorts pull high high. shirts tuckked in. nnd we had a FANTASTIC plan. nnd our class was damn sporting to go along with it man. :) lloves 4E. :)
SATURDAY. workworkwork the whole day. :) but luke was in a gd mood. nnd it was enjoyable. although i got a scolding.. they were all veri nice. :) shao chong oso. :)
SUNDAY. went SHOPPING!! with my jiemeiis. :) kor oso got go. hahas. iit was damn fun narhhs.i bought new heels. ting bought new slippers. nnd xuann bought new pants. :)after dat went for my drum lesson. :) we learnt the whole song finished. so hapii. :) iit was damn difficult. zZz.:) after dat i wwent to meet xuann nnd we went to her ah gongs hse.coz it was his b'dae. :)
MONDAY. sch as usual. stay back for physics. then we went to town. SHOPPING. with lulu nnd his frens.nnd xuann was hyperactive cann? xD. crazy. but they all veri nice nnd funi lahs. :) before we went to meet them. me nnd xuan shopped around. nnd ii bought a new skirt. :) ii wore iits immediately too. ahahas. den we went eat kfc. :) den dey smoke awhile. den me. xuann. bingwen nnd jian wei( mr spongebob squarepants) went home. den they veri nice lah. we sent xuan home first. coz her mum scold her already. den we went to a playground to slack. :) tok cock sing song. ahahah. den i 12 plus den reach hmm. poor yeeting. nvr come sch today. coz SICK. so ke lian. den i got my ic today. :) so hapii. hahaha. den xuann kp making fun of me. zZz. hahas. :) aniwaes. ii miss my yeeting. nnd i hope she is coming tomoro. :)
LLOVES my baobeii xuann nnd tingg. mwarks. :)
January 16, 2007
clare posted at 10:39 PM
ohmyfarkinggod. hahaha. i so long nvr update lerhs. MISS ME MAHS?? my lovely little darling blog. xD hahaha.ok!! updates. :)
FRIDAY: WOW!! after sch we went to sam's hse. WTF MANS. her hse is 5 storey. zzZzzzZz. damn nice can? hell. not fair. it has a basement nnd a rooftop garden. i m jealous lahhs. :) hahas. she is one lucky gurl. den we( xuann. me nnd sam) were so goddamn farking wet mans. wtf. hell. the blardy rain became big wen we went out nnd small wen we went back. fark lahs. so suay. haha. but it was fun? den we went to the GYM!!! so long nvr train. so weird mans. suddenly go there train. but it was damn damn fun! hahaha. :) den xiu hui came to find us. :) den me nnd xuann train awhile den go home..chge den go to church. :)
SATURDAY: WORKWORKWORK. nnd wtf. the boss gave me sm lanjiao attitude lahs. hell. i was dman pissed. i kana scolding for nth lohs. zZz. there was this weirdo tat came to ask me for my n.o. nnd i DIN give alrties? den he scold me. say now is work time. fark lahs. i din ask for it rite? i din even wan to tok to him. but shaochong saw oso nvr help. stupid ass. GENTLEMAN WORSS. ass. make me so god damn farking dulan can? @#!@)$)!*%#$)^)^(_)(%)#!()$#@)(%$#%(!*$(#*$(@#*)(@(%*)($)$()#$*()#*$(*#@($*@#)*#$*
hell. i m damn pissed can? but at the end of the day. i got free cake. so tat made up for it. so hapi. tiramisu can? :) so hapii.
SUNDAY: drum lesson nnd pack room. :) so cool lah. we learnt more challenging songs. :) i packed my room too!!! :) den at nite went for supper!! cools. nice mans. :)
MONDAY:yesterday after sch. lulu went to sch to fetch xuan. xD den we go my hse coz i wan to chge nnd take basketball. :) den we went to play basketball. wah sehs. so shiok man. so long nvr play lerhs. dun count play in sch lahs. coz that one is different story.zZz. so long nvr go outside play lerhs. miis b-ball so much sia. hahaha.den jeremy came. thank god he came mans. coz lulu had to go off. nnd ming xuan disappeared for 1 nnd a half hour. URGHH. she make me wait one nnd a half hour for her. den poor jeremy got appointment with frens dehrs. but he so damn nice larshs. GANDONG. :) thanx :) after tat we went mac to study. nnd jeremy left. :) xuan was so yong gong can?? do her history homework. so guai. nnd i was there slacking nnd sleeping. den there was this farking weirdo. tok to me. ask me 3 duumb qns. zzz. den ask me for my n.o. hell.damn paiseh canns? fark. he so weird lohs. den his fren call me. not long after i reach home. which was around 12 plus bah. stupid can. hell. ii dun wan to tok to those two weirdos man. wtf. i was seriously freaked out man. they were so creepy. nnd they are not nice ppl. can tell. wtf. i was so freaked out. zZZz. nnd i lie to them.i have stead. oops. just to get them off my back. lol. iim such a bytch. urgh. fark care lahs.
today. after sch. went lucnh. den we pang sehhed ting. iim sorii ting. we reali not purposely derhs. coz we tot u go lerhs. ting. reali reali sorii. den after lunch go home. den went out to meet tingg at library. xD, guai hors? den we went GELARE. coz today half price.=X hahaha. den eat elrhs. around 6 plus go home. so early. guai hors? xD
yup. tink tats all bahs. :)
ii duno wat to do wen i see hiim in sch. so weird. like duno how to react. like wan to see hiim but dun wan/dare?? see hiim oso. hell. wen i do see him,i pretend nvr see hiim. STUPID LASHS. zzz. iim so dumb.
my room is so neat now. xD. :) bye blog. see u again. zZz.hopefuli soon. if i m not too lazy. :) hahhas.
January 11, 2007
clare posted at 11:44 PM

me nnd xuan. xD

me nnd ting. :)

Me. Cam-whoring larhs. hahaha. xD

zZZ. lulu wearing ming xuans jacket. zZzz. hahaha.

SHAWN. hahas. looks shuai in this pic rites?

zZZz. nigel.shaun is in the background.the one using the phn. ahahha. in white shirt. zZz nnd jon is beside nigel. u cant see him. xD

TINGG. hahaha. wat a face.xD
clare posted at 11:35 PM
zzzz. hahaha. today is thurs!! zzz. feeling the stress of O lvl lerhs. knn. just a few more mnths. hahaha. but if worse come to worse. fail lohs.Zzz. hahaha. xD aniwaes. me nnd xuann went to study today!! zZz. guai hors? hahaha. den saw my stanley lim nnd kenneth ng. zzZz. outside sch lerhs stil niam. zZzz.. naggy. hahas. but such a coincidence lahhs. den today, xuann nnd sim kia had a small argument. hahaha sim kia is a hum ji kia. saw ming xuan den run. zZz. aniwaes. xuan pushed her."accidentally" hahaha. was damn funn narhs. like i said. iim a bytch. zZz, :) xD aniwaes. today was fun. studying. zZz, xD :) jia you!!!
posting pics later. hahas.
January 9, 2007
clare posted at 1:04 AM
oh my god. i did my social studies project. wow. unbelievable. zZzz. hahaha xD but iits damn crappy. hahaha. i m so lame mans. hahaha. but i dun care. i m in a wacky mood. nnd now is like so late lerhs. i just completed,zZz. now is raining. hahas. so sians. i wan to slp!! so tired. but i have to wash the tortoise first. ZZzz. my stupid FATHER bought the tortoiseSSS for my SISTER but ii have to be the one to take care of iit. just becoz nobody wans to. ke lian derh wo lohs, wah lao ehs. make me so du lan. zZzz. nnd iits 3 of them can?? wtf? buy so mani. zZZz. sians. but they are cute. hahas. xD so cute. hahaha. :)so i decided not to mind. nd take care of them. :) hahas. bye!!
January 8, 2007
clare posted at 10:08 PM
*WhEETs* today was a interesting day. hahaha. mani mani tings happen. zzz. first ting. my hairs black. wtf. ii llook damn damn toots lahhs. urgh.. damn farked up manns. my hair is damn damn black.zZzzZ. so sians. haish. den second ting. today almost kana expell with xuann. hahaha. iits dumb lahhs. alamak. always say wan expell but oways nvr. say tomoro is the last chance. we either bring our paretns down to sch or we wear our uniforms.. hair everiting properly. Zzzz. OBVIOUSLY. we chose the second option rite? hahaha. so i have to be miss toots for a few days mans. nnd xuann too. sians.. damn farked up manns. tis sch. haish.
HAHAHAHA!! today i banged simkia. xD tat kp kia. knn. ii walk past her. den verii bo liao so "accidentaly brushed" against her shoulders. xD she is god damn bloody weak lahhs. hahaha. it was fun mans. xD :) iim m such a bytch. xD. soo sorii. :)
Zzzz. today got my o lvl tings. for FnN nnd ART. so sians. cant believe so fast arhs. o's coming lerhs. hahaha. nnd still slacking. zZzz. :) hahas.
ii wan go overseas with my frens after O's!! xD. hahaha. shawn say they going hong kong. cool sia. den say they got one mnore space.. ii was like go for it man. hahas. :)but hopefuli the plan will come through. hahas. :)
after sch.. went to northpoint take neo print. hahhas. den tingg went home.. xuann went home to change den go out meet lulu nnd i went to my god mothers hse. xD
go her hse damn shiok luhhs. hahas. oways go tings to eat durhhs. gd food!! hahhas. today she bring me go airport to fetch my god korkor. we ate at popeyes. zzz. but i was damn full due to the lunch at long johns. hahhas. den we fetch hiim lerhs den bring hiim go esplanade. den me, my god mummy nd godpapa go to sm ulu ulu place to eat. but the food damn good. i damn damn full.. hahaha. :) fat lerh lahs. hahaha. T-T thanx mans. had a great day today. :) eat until so much.
but wen i was at popeyes today. i suddenly tink of rebecca. ,my darling. the l;ast time i ate there was with her. nnd that time was to sent her to atlanta. which was more than one yr ago. on 16th nov 2005. she went to atlanta. i miiss her. hais. i duno how to say lehhs. w/o her. is like verii quiet? ii can still rmb her face nnd voice damn damn clearly. i swear. i will nvr forget!! nvr ever. ii love her to bitts!!!!
nnd maii boii. uu wun sink into depression again alrites? jia you!! have faith in urself. hahaha. we re oways here alrites? xD.. love uu loads!!! nd last long long with her yea?
she mite be a nice gurl nnd treat u well. dats all that matters rite? :) if she dosn't. uu noe wat i wil do.. xDD :) aniwaes. love uu bro. take care alwaes. :) "sisters" forever. hahaha. :) u oways make me laugh wen i chat with u on msn. hahas. :) u rawk lah sis. ii noe ii rawk too. u dun have to tell me. :) hahaha.
nnd to xuann bao beiis. heyys!! ii noe now is not a easy time lahhs. but me nnd tingg is oways here alrites? we will help uu through no matter wat. uu oso have lulu. we are oways here. alrites?nnd thanx for being for me wen i oways give u all attitude. pai sehhs. :( LLOVES forever!! :) jie mei yi bei zi. :)
tingg arhs tingg.. hahaha. ii noe uu miss ur chong wei alot alot. hahaha. but wen he is not here, me nnd xuann will take his place temporarily alrites? xDD. den wen he come back. we will give uu back to hiim. unharmed!! jia you.. hahaha.nnd thanx for being there for me wen i oways give u all attitude. pai sehs. :( LLOVES!! :) sisters forever. :)
wahhahas. nnd to all my beloved frens. thanx for being through with me wen i MOODSWINGed. hahaha. nnd had pms. PRE MENSTRUAL SYMPTOMS. hahaha. xDD thanx my darlings. lloves alrites?? :)
nnd to hiim. a verii verii big sorii, ii noe ii neglected uu during that period. sorii. iits maii fault lahsh. duno if u will see nnd noe hu i m toking about. zZz.
wahahhas. duno wats coming over me.. in the mood to say sorii nnd thanx. hahaha. :) lloves everybodii!! :)
January 7, 2007
clare posted at 4:59 PM
ELLOOO. hasnt been blogging in like. two or three days? hahhas. well.. im back. zZz.. hahas. let me see. wat happened...
FIDAY: went to sch as usual.everiting was as usual. den there was the CHECK. stupid dupid check. den was called out coz of the stupid MRS GOD. fark her. den had to see mrs sim.ZzZz. stupid mrs sim make me wait for dunno how manii hours just to see her.nnd i was so darn bored. zZz. nth to do derh lohs. den wen its my turn,make me waste another dunno how long just to listen to her crap on nnd on about sch rules. den the usual thing again. call parents. dumb. den she asked me to go home. sent me out of sch. DOTSS. good rite? can misss sch. but guess wat? ii so god damn farking stupid. ii went back to sch. ii called xuann nnd asked her come to fence help me take bag. zZz. wanted to climb over.. zZz. but no strength. weak ass. den i decided..walk through front door. haha. nobody catch. xD. the reason i went back to sch was for BASKETBALL. coz tot PE can play basketball. but end up!! zZZZZ. CANOT> dumb. waste my time.cant believe i did such a stupid ting like going back to sch lahs.. SCH SARRKSS!! zZZz. after sch. went to so lit project. ZZz. hardworking bahs? hahaha. zZz. den cabbed to xuann hse. den slack awhile den went to work. was shag as usual. hahas.
SATURDAY: ii woke up at 6:30 on a saturday morning!! wtf? ke lian lohs. lolls. den cabbed to sch. nnd went to ngee ann poly. zZzz. iit was pretty boring. hahhas. nnd ii slept!! for duno how long. zZz. was damn tired lahs.. hahas. but wen iit was shawns team to present. wah lao ehs. we were all damn damn awake. hahas. screaming nnd cheering away. they rawked the house down man. they were the best!! this is called TEAM-SPIRIT! yays!! 2ee'05 rawks!! yays!! xDnnd they won!!! they were n.o. 1!!! CONGRATS!! :) after that went back to sch. den me nnd weiling cab to her hse. hahas.den we change lerhs,we went sun plaza. weiling bought black eyeliner nnd ii bought cool blue. kinda metallic. verii nice. hahas. xDden we went yishun to meet shawn, shuan, jon nnd nigel. hahas. den we went to bedok. zZZz. so far. hahas. den ii saw my aunt there!! hahas. xDwe oso saw vincent goh. he was working. wah lao ehs. he damn pro. hahhas. knew how to tok nnd convinced ppl to buy the tings. hhahas. :) xD pro sehs. hahas. den we eat lerhs, we went to ... hse. hahaha. canot say. zzz.den nigel, shaun, shawn nnd jon stay at downstairs. onli me nnd weiling went up. but i had to go veri soon. coz of work. zZZ. CABBED to work. nnd ii broke two freaking glass cups on saturday. zZZ. wat a klutz. nnd ii broke them simultaneously. zzz. pro huh? deduct from my pay. T-T
ii tink tis is about all. hahhas. :) later on got drum lesson. XD. hapii. ii oready missed two due to work. T-T sad. aniwaes. gotta go bathe nnd prepare lerhs. buhbye. :) take care all. :)
January 5, 2007
clare posted at 12:24 AM
ii found new songs. zzz. jay!! ii lllooovvveeee jjjaaayyyy ccchhhooouuuu nnnndddd eeedddiiisssooooonnnn cccchhheeennn. hheehhees. llove them to death man. still rmb. dat day dunno is sat, or sun or mon.. zz. watched an edison chen movie. den cry. hahhas. coz his spirit disappear. so sad. ii dun like to see either of them die.zZZz. soosad. T-T
January 4, 2007
clare posted at 11:30 PM
ok. so mani tings to blog about. xD
firstly.. 1st day of sch.yesterday. xD. was fun. met everyone nnd caught up with each other. hees. love my school mates. xDD.hahas. nnd i got a present. xD. maii frens are soo damn sweet. hees. :) today oso got a present.xDD. maii frens rawks. hahas. ii sark mann. onli wan present. =X hurhurs.
sam so good. tag mai blog. norrlyn oso. hees. so gd. so RARE. =X jkjk. hahas. :) love uu guys lah.
wahaha. den after sch go
northpoint. LUNCHED. at least we wanted to. but den verii fuull. at there,we saw shujuan nnd her mum. den me tingg nnd xuann, eat dessert. which SARKKED! damns. waste money. =X den we went toa payoh. xD. den we met LULU. wahahas. KUKU head. (kuku1,kuku2.kuku3.) Lulu nnd xuann so damn cute narhhs. take pic together den we(tingg nnd me) make fun of them.. xD. evil us. wahahas. den i had to rushed to work. zZZzz. so farking shag lurhhs. kaos. i almost slept standing up. zZZzz. piig. xD ZOE shld noe. i was walking nnd my eyes were half closing. hahas. maii frens tell me i shld quit. coz tis yr is O'lvl. zZzZz. i m considering. coz i m so farking shag. =/ nnd GUESS WAT?? ii got my PAYY!! zzz.hahas. guess how much??? wahahahas. iits $$560!! wahlaoss. cool manns.cant believe iit. ii was soo hapii. :) hees. :)
zzz. ii was so tired in sch. nd wats wrong wif mrs ng? zzz. she is so crazy. hahas. cute lahhs.zzz. :) but she is quite strict.. hahas. today have concert in sch. sm were stupid lahs. damn damn stupid. waste my time. after sch went to swensen to LUNCH. hees. coz got my verii first pay. xD :) had funn. laugh until ii had stomachache. coz xuann was in a verii lamemood. make me laugh like fark. hahhas. :) den tingg went to tuition. me nnd xuann went hm. ii slept for two hrs! hahs. piig. but now still tiredd. hahhas.
den horrs. at 7:30 someone call me wake up.nnd dat someone is ming xuann!! bomb my phn. hahhas. jio me go outt. den i toking half aslp derhs. hahas. aniwaes. dat stupid ah weii nnd jiao bin. knn. make us wait so farking long. zzz. assholes. is boii ornot? wahhlan.make us,two gurls wait.zzz. den we go 850. damn sian. thank god tingg call me tok on phn. xD. smoked today. zzz. but i noe i will regret tomoro. zzz. den we cabbed home.
zzz. today saw hiim in sch. den was feeling so confused. zzz. suan lerhsss. xDD. dun tiink bout aniting. hahas.
hais. xuann!! jia you!! iits ok derhs.. xD me nnd tingg zhi chii uu!! mwarkks. kks? iits ok derhs. du guo zhe ge nan guan. jia you. tings will be fine derhs. :) lloves.
ii love being single. :)
January 2, 2007
clare posted at 11:24 PM
yes. i cut my hair.. hahhas. nnd bought new sch shoes. xD
but i m NOT looking forward to sch. feel like staying home nnd just slp. pigg. hahas. but sch so sian. hais. congrats. i CANT WAIT!sense my sarcasm. dotdotdot. hehes. :) ok. less about depressing subjects. more about hapi stuffs. ii love my new hair. xD. lame. hahaha. its no difference. dotss. lame shiat. nth to write about. wan play audition lerhs. xD beat-up rawks mans. so darn fun. xD
btw. i din do a single hols hw. xD cant be bothered. bet most of them too. hahas. :) aniwaes. see u all in sch bahs. byebye.
take care. :)
January 1, 2007
clare posted at 10:14 PM
wah laos.. ii've got a damn damn damn crazy family mans. hahaha. crazy dad so wacky today. all joke nnd play. so rare norhhs. but damn fun narhhs. noisy arhs!! hahaha. :) :) :) lloves.
sch starting lerhs. atfirst quite miss sch. but now is like. tinking of that farking form teacher of mine. wah lan ehs. is sian derh lohs. tis year principal wonder strict ornot. at least yap is gone!! *wheets* hehes. wtf manns. ermms. is principle or principal arhs?kaos. my eng like fark mans. wth? beta brush up on iit. =/lazy to check dic. hehes. hope change form teacher. but he quite ke lian lahhs. 3ee was one of the most 'headachy' class lohs.express smmore. =X hahs. ke lian hiim. but ii hate hiim lahhs. everitime pick on us.farker.
:) go lerhs. wahahas. hope tomoro can go shopping lohs. zZzz. wan to buy new shoes. xD.
buhbye. hahas. :)
clare posted at 6:08 PM
NEW YEAR LERHSS. hais.. but abit 'bu she de' duno why. not that last year was a fantastic yr. =X so mani tings happened. but more like.. ermms. duno how to explain. hais. feel like the year pass veri fast. too fast elrlhs. so mani tings happen lohhs. but new year. nnd new beggining bahs. hopefuli. i would have grown up.nnd matured? LOLs. nnd noe how to handle tings better bahs. hope it wun be a disaster again. (if it ever hapens again lahhs. ) lolls. but aniwaes. new year. so supposed to be excited mahhs. xD
i deleted one previous post before this post derhs. err.. hahaha. feel verii bad lahhs. she my mum lahhs after all. nnd not her fault. =X but horrs. she bomb me again. damn iit. say wan bring me go shopping today den i say ok. but horrs. now say dun wan lerhs. verii tired. urghh. wateva lahhs. wanted to buy new shoes derh lohs. den now canot. zZzz. den tot atfirst go shoping. so wen tingg ask me wan go watch deathnote. i say no..zzz. sians. now stuck at home nth to do. rotting away.
work getting kinda boring mans. aiyahs.iits always like tat derh mahs. lols. but still ok bahs. siannss. but its no fun animore. zZz. it used to be. but now so mani ppl quit lerhs. T.T sad lorhhs.
AGNES IS WEAK. hehes. hope she sees this man. hahas. xD. drink abit den drunk lerhs. ZzZ.
hehes. craving for alchohol mann. sians. LOL.
me.tingg nnd xuann. nnd tinggs cousin(johnson) went bugis. dey soo sweet. pei me go to work. den before i work,we eat there. want see pics. go tings blog. lazy to upload. zZz.
aniwaes. sch starting. zZz, new starting. LOL. will it be the same as last time? dun tink so. so mani tings change lerhs. not like the past. hais. dunno lahs. hopefuli lohhs.
xD. veri long nvr blog lehrs. coz smtime i wan to. but then i tink. ermms.wat for hurrs? oso nobody wan to see wat happen in my daily life ritez? hahhas. i mean thats wat i tink wen i go see ppls blog.but not everbodys blog lahs. there are some i take interest in. xD like tingg nnd xuann'snnd some of my closer frens.. but i itnk the lamest ppl are thoise hu try to act as if HE is veri smart. =X all his so called 'philosophies' comes out. nnd in BROKEN ENGLISH smmore. loser. written for a specific someone. pls lohs. dun try to be wat u are not.
hais, nth to say lerhs. this post like quite long hors.ermmspai sehs pai sehs. xD. :)
lloves. <33