December 29, 2006
clare posted at 2:33 AM
wah lao ehhs. peng you zuo dao zhe yang. wtf. great. u in hospital , kana slashed by others nnd still can msg me. pretend nths wrong. great. it isnt rite? wat? tell me lahhs. u are just like any other guy. horrs? all those stupid jokes. promises. hahhas!wat? gone down sm farking drain arhs? just becoz of a NO.? hahhas. fark lahhs. suan liao lorh. hahas. wat a joke man. u bet. i m dulan. DUH. or let me see. ii dun have the rite? coz i said no mahhs. rite? lian peng you oso like dat. suan lerhs. i have no rights man. i have no rights. who am ii? a nobody. :) hehes.
yesterday got a farking nice christmas present. sweet sia. my god. he noes exactly wat i wan lohss. nnd gave iit to me. =.= must have bbeen expensive. coz i saw the brand. =X myboss rawks. xD work horrs. can see alot of shuai ges derhh worrhs. hahas. so mani cute boiis. oso got damn chio bu'S larhhs. hahas. but becoming damn tired. everynite just cant seem to farking fall aslp. tink i m being addicted to working. =X for three farking consecutive nites ii have been dreaming of work. fark sia. i've had enuf. hehes. no lahss. actuali working is quite fun.. but just damn tiring. hahas.
watched damn touching show just now. wahhs. can cry man. but ii din. hehes. strong lahhs. den toking to hiim on the phn. less than 10 sentences. dunno wat to say man. u dunno how farking hurt i was lahs. even frens u oso like dat.
suan liao lahhs. just pretend nth happen. hahas. alrites. bye FREN. :)
wats happening to me. my typing huhhs? hahas. kana influenced. =X din used to type like tis. din used to spell like this. hurhurs. wats with me nnd the word shag? kp on using it tis few days. so i have bbeen tryying not to use iit. u can notice that todays post onli use the word tired. no shag. hahas.dumbb.
duno wat to write lerh lohhs. siann. buhbye.
December 26, 2006
clare posted at 2:25 AM
wahhs.. ii so long nvr come lerhs. hahaha. misses! :)
hmms. christmas over lerhs. but still MERRRY CHRISTMAS everyone. belated. :) nnd oso hapii boxing day. lols. christmas din feel like christmas. but sm parts was still fun. :) but the festive feel was just not there. :(
on christmas day had to work. damn man. was so farkin shag. everybody so damn attitude. :( farkfarkfark. nb. i give up my christmas nnd christmas eve to go there c ur attitude arhs? ccb. 7 dollars per hour oso not like dat derh lorhs. but i ren. wtf. coz ii m nice. :) hahaha. like fark. aniwaes. after dat wen it ended, it was better bahs. yar. everyone more cheerful. nd ii got quite afew CHRISTMAS PREZZIES!! :) hehes. so hapii wors. so sweet lohs. thanx. :)
aniwaes rite. christmas eve was a disaster!! hahaha. not in a bad way. at first the plan is after work,call tingg nnd go town find them. but then i end work too farking late. then they want to go back yishun so i say ok. meet at yishun. nnd smting farking dumb happened. :( waste my farking money!! damn. but aniwaes. plan was to countdown. but i end work tat time. by the time 12 i wtil on the farking bus. :( countdown wat fark? dumb. :( aniwaes.went yishun find them. but bobo,ah wei nnd ling feng go lerhs. so onli have tingg nnd kor.ii pass them christmas presents. see ii so wuxim!! :) hehehe.then we wanted to go back. but dunno how. so ting call her cousins to go mac since they at yishun aniwaes.. her cousin is so damn CUTE!! hahaha. fat fat.. cutecute. thtings he say make me laugh like fark man. hahaha.nnd yesterdays taxi ride was one of the best in my whole entire life. fakring cute uncle joke until we laugh until stomach ache. tinggs cousins soo cute!! we went mac coz i was dman hungry. wholoe day din eat antiting after 1. empty stomach. :( hais. poor ting. HAHAHA. aniwaes. we cab to tinggs hse. den i ton there. quite fun. me nnd tingg tok alot.oso got zilian.lazy to post pics. tingg got post pics. hahas. :) but sm farking things happen.
eh bytch. pls lah hor/ knn. dun so kp lahhs. ccb. uu tink wat? u big fark isit? nb. cb. one day i farking go report police then u farking noe. cb. u tink wat? one dollars three hit? nb. she ren u verii long liao ok? u beta farking noe ur limits. cb. not everyting u do is oways rite lahhs. u old we respect u. give u face. nb. nnd the farking bastard oso watch out horrs. ccb. wan to lie at least say a beta lie lahs. nb. dun act until u like saint like dat lahs. PUI AH PUI LIU LIU. go diet lahs. cb. see u i oso pek cek arhs. wah lan ehs. how old lerhs still read COMICS. grow up lahs. cb.see one day we report police wat u can do! HAHA! waiting for the day to seeing ur face behind bars! =/
ii m such a bytch. but i dun care. i just hate them to the farking core. :(
den ton at tinggs hse. sia lah,we tok nnd tok until fall aslp. :) hahas. we slp at around 5? den we 12 wake up lerhs. watch tv awhile. den tingg say wan go sun plaza meet her dear. so bathed. den chun ann nnd chun leong wen to her hse so all of us( me,tingg,su min, chun ann nnd chun leong) go sunplaza. eat lunch. den chun ann nnd chun leong left. den the rest of us go arcade play awhile lerhs. den ii rush to work. hehes. today got quite a few gd stuffs to eat. :) hehes. pigg me. :)wahahas. aniwaes. work was boring.:( but not as stressed as yesterday. yesterday was like fark man. damn iit man. ii was so damn farked up until i wanted to take a stick lohhs. but tried not to. like wtf. dun wan later regret again. urghh. aniwaes. just damn shag these few days coz of work. fark man.:( but work shld be quite ok for the rest of the ays lerh bahs. tomoro is holiday!!going to play with tingg. hahaha. :)
but now is sleeping time. buhbhye. belated merry christmas. :)
December 24, 2006
clare posted at 1:46 AM
damn. my com had sm probs just now. pissed. well iits alrites now. :)
my ears fine. :) hehes. thank god.
work was horrible today. :( everyone was in a bad mood..coz they were so damn stressed nnd everiting. which sarked. :( onli me nnd zoey were the ones smiling? than smting horrible happened. :( nnd zoey quit. :( sad lohhs. now work will be utterly boring lerhs. kaos.
oh. nnd ii have to work today. nnd iits CHRISTMAS EVE! :( but iits ok. i will jia you. for the sake of the 7dollars per hr. :) hehes. $$$$$ :) bleahs.
nnd guess wat. ii have to work on CHRISTMAS TOO!! urghh. sian. tot at least can go relax have fun? zZZzzz.. suan lerhs!! for the sake of the$$$ ii will persevere. :) alrites??
man. i slacked on christmas presents. :( god. havent bought a single one. tink later before work go buy bahs. :)
COOL!! cant wait for tonite mans. after work going to find yeeting they all?? dunno hu is going. =.= pai sehs. hehes. go town play!! countdown for christmas.. cool larhhs. :) hehes.
but the DAMN BIG prob now is still CHRISTMAS pressies. wah. die. nnd haven got pay. broke. so gotta borrow money from mum. dotss.. hehes. :)
hehes. nnd ii got christmas present. :) lloves iit. :) thanx nes.
buhbye. MERRY CHRISTMAS EVE!! :) lloves. :)
December 22, 2006
clare posted at 2:48 AM
i tink i have my new earhole got infection? hahaha. coz xuan say i too early change ear stick lerhs. shld wait three days.but i 2nd day jiu change liao. =.= kaos. pain like fark. :(
xuann got two new earhole today. :) hahas. cool man. shoot two at one go. i oso wan more earholes lerhs. ADDICTED.:)
today so heng. at escape play game then win soft toy. a bird. but i wanted the whale. :( sad. nvm. suan lerhs.
tomoro working whole day!! sian. ii dun mind working. hahas. but i reali wanted to go down to look for D****** with tingg they all. wan go play play awhile. but canot. sian. hahas. iit was damn fun man. onthe phn. i m such a bytch. :) hahas. play until siao! :) hahas.
k worss. hopefuli he dun dua them again lohs. that bastard. buey pai seh derhs. knn. boii still so farked up. dickhead. :)
bye. :(
ii m sorii.too mani tings are just farking happening. sorii.
clare posted at 1:11 AM
today went escape with my baobeiis. it was stupid?? we paid 6 dollars nnd i played 3 rides.. nnd they play 4 rides? coz the inverter too scary. :( ii humji. dun dare sit. hhahas. they had fun lahhs. hahas. but it was pretty fun. coz we three gurls. then quite enjoy lohhs. can go crazy. hurrhurrs.
den after that go to the chalet find louis?? nnd his fren. i duno a single person there. :( onli tingg nnd xuann noe them. i met louis before.. but not veri close lohs. then go there we like three strangers. weird weird derh wors. but they quite nice. the two gurls there chio. at first tot they verii dao. den attitude us?? i tot lahs. but is not. tingg told me they is coz got air con.den close the door. loll. but they all turn out verii verii nice. but we stay there for less than one hour then go off lerhs. coz xuann got the church ting. the church ting quite fun wors. :) they al so cute derh wors. drama nnd sing song nnd prepare "blue dessert". :)
hais. today i play attituding game again worss.. gosh. ii feel damn guilty now. guess ii was too sensitive lerhs. damn iit man. i ruined a perfectly fine day. :( hais. just felt alot of mixed feelings. sorii.
smtimes.feel like ii dun belong. maybe ii too sensitive lerh bahs.
December 21, 2006
clare posted at 1:48 AM
so mani tings to blog about.
hmms. for one thing. i finally did my ic.. :) hahas. so hapi. quick..i wan quick quick get my ic. so tat i wun be laf at again. :( hahaha.
2nd tings is i burnt my hand. :( hurt like fark man. hais..
3rd ting.
THERE WAS A FARKING RAT ON THE BLARDY BUS!!! damniit man. wtf?? nb.. a rat on the bus? rats dun farking belong there lohs. wah lao. i was shocked. lols. me nnd one gurl scream??? *scank* i noe. :( kaos. then quickly put my legs up. hahas. dunmb lorhhs. ii hate RATS!!!!
tomoro going to chalet. finally get a day off. hahas. work one whole week sia. dis sunday christmas eve oso have to work. but its ok lahs. coz the pay is 7 dollars. :) hapi hapi. :) christmas got day off. to celebrate. :)hahas. cant wait to see xuann nnd tingg bao beiis. :) hehes. miss them alot alot. :(
cried again. wen i went his blog. kaos. dunno why lorhhs. hais. tears just flow out. just misses hiim. :(
i m such a big faker.. oways smiling..nnd wen they ask how m ii.. i go smiley nnd say tings great. hahaha. fark.
December 19, 2006
clare posted at 1:37 AM
*wheets* !!! II PEIRCED my EAR today. hahaha. i have one new earhole. i m so hapi. the guts to peirce. lolls.. :) ii loe iit!! thanx to xuann. hahas. :) the surprising thing din hurt. not one bit. hahaha. :)i m feeling so darn hapi larhhs. hahaha. :)
today went to find xuan at her working place at chong pang. loll.LUNCHed lerhs den go her hse. den went to take ic pic!! hahaha. :) i finally going to do my ic lerhs. tomoro. tuesday. hahaha. :)before go take ic pic, we at her hse. put make up. hahaha. even put black lipstick lohhs. was nice. xuan looks goth. nice.. damn cool larhhs.hahas. :) my ic pic sarkks can? my farking god. ii look damn horrible. =/ sad lohs. hahas. wanted it to be nice. aiyahs. suan lerhs. >.<
went to bugis..den saw brents stead. hahas. :) chio sia. hahas. den rushed to work. today was boring. veri little customers..cozz of the rain bahs.. nvm. tomoro going to do ic lerhs den go there eat. den work. hahaha. :) cool!! :) hahas. :)
DARN TIRED NARHHS. haish!! wan to sleep!! my leg is like farking suan! hahaha. aizai. hahas. fit derh wors. :)
SICK. lols. so sian lohs. haish. byebye. go sleep lerhs!!! TIREd tired. lovess lotts. :) byebye.
December 18, 2006
clare posted at 1:05 AM
todays drum lesson was cool.
hahas. as usual.practise some songs.
yup. but man.
the teacher was in a bad mood today.
duno why.whole face farking black
hahaha.but ok lahs. lolls.
why am i typing like this today.
duno leis.
just trying smting new to play with.
hahahahaha. bo liao i noe..
tomoro meeting xuann nnd tingg.
finding xuann at her working place.
hahas. cool. miss them so much. hahaha.
cant wait to see them. :)
have to work tomoro. cool. hahaha. :)
christmas is coming soon. cant wait!! hahaha.
i m crazy. lalalas.
bleahs. i m in a crazy mood. hahaha
tingg says its PMS.
LOL!! :) (:
hehehe. my room has changed.
my mum took away my bed.
so all i m left with is a mattress.
jus kidding. hahas.
coz i dun slp on my bed aniwaes.
i oways slp on the floor.
frens hu has come to my hse noes that my bed is onli for me to put my tings.
yup.. so no difference iit makes if theres no bed. hahas
:) my room looks so spacious now. hahas.
but sad lah. lesser place for me to put my tings.
so my table is farking messy.
hahas. watching saw 3. wakakas. sadis lah!!
kaos. ripped the breast off. fark sia.
the director.script writer.wateva. etc.etc. brains are damn twisted.
to make this type of movie.
but super nice lah can?? hahaha.
now i understand why iits r21. lols.
saw 2 nnd saw wasnt THIS bad..
but iits kinda nice lah. in a sick way.
i mean the storyline is cool.
the guy is damn smart. t
he way he catches his prey nnd everiting.
yup. hahas. :)
k wors. go enjoy the movie lerhs.
hhahas. :)
ps.BOLIAOmood.SWINGED! :) (:
December 17, 2006
clare posted at 1:01 AM
hahaha. din blog yesterday.
was too tired. hahaha. i can reali drop dead. but yar. its fun lah..hahaha. :) cool job. hahas. :)
GREAT! i lost 10 dollars today. fantastic huh? hais. like wtf? luke oready tod me to be careful. coz it was dropping out. well.. aiyah. heck care bahs. hahaha. hope the person hu picked it up will be hapi.. hahahha. i m so farking dumb nnd careless. T_T
hmms.. mst week have to work eeveryday sia..except thursday.. coz christmas coming. so its the busy season! hahaha. well.this is gd. coz it means the cafe is earning money! my god! today we were like so freaking busy lah! hahaha. in fact everyday its full of ppl.. great. hahaha. but i m dead beat. everyday reach hm at onli 12 or 1 plus. hahaha.but its cool.. hahaha. :)
oh yah. nnd one more thing. damn stupid. knn. i farking forgot to bring my hp out. fark lahs. knn. the whole day wan to msg oso canot.. urghh. wats happening to my brain. brainDEAD. hahaha. kaos . but reali lor. this is the second time in two weeks i freaking forget to bring my phn out. feel so damn uneasy without my phn. not safe like that. lolls. damn it sia. urghh..
well..aniwaes. today, smting reali reali interesting happened. haahaha. there was this big?? not reali,,urmms..scene in the bugis carpark. lol! enjoyed it man. hahaha. was damn fun. hopefuli..i can go again. hahaha. cool. luke rawks. hhaha. great acting skills. hahaha. clarity cafe rawks too! hahaha.:)
k lahs. damn damn tired lerhs. wan to go slp lerhs. reali can die.. hahaha. byebye. take care. :) c ya!!
December 15, 2006
clare posted at 1:17 AM
today worked aagain. hahas. had OLD MACDONALD HAD A FARM after work. my god it was like damn good lah!! seriously go try the food there lahs. hahaha. :) purvis street. :) damn good!! nnd cheap compared to other places. hahas.clarity cafe rules. luke the boss even sent us home. all the way to my lift.seriously. where can u find such a good boss? hahas. :) ii enjoy working. hahaha. all of them so funi. make me laugh damn lot lah. hahaha. :) tomoro have to work for the whole day lah. i dun mind lah. hahaha. except that i m seriously tired now nnd have to sleep earlier. hahaha. :) have to wake up at 10.. hahas. :) feel so matured..hahaha. like i m working for my own pay nnd everiting. i tink i reali love the feeling of earning money. feel so independent. :) hhahas.bhb..i noe. >.<
wahhahaas. i feel that the job has reali taught me tings. like for e.g. to actuali smile more!! nnd oso to kp my attitude nnd vulgarities in check. i rarely scolds vulgarities in the cafe.. ndd have not given customers attitude.. though sm are like farking bossy nnd rude. but i realise that if u are nice to ppl. they will normally be nice to u too. :)yups. hahas. :)
but this job is reali keeping me busy. hahas. i cant wait to get my pay. i want to treat my family . to clarity cafe. hahas. nnd oso buy christmas presents for my frens!! :) yeas.. hahas. :) cool.
but for now. i will just kp on dreaming first. nnd make sure i can get up the next morning.. hahas. :) love ya..byebye.. :)
December 14, 2006
clare posted at 1:47 AM
smting wrong with my blogger. sori for the huge words on my previous post. hahas. pai sehs!!
clare posted at 1:09 AM
hahas. today was my first day of work. the first time i have ever worked in my whole entire life. hahaha.nnd iit totali rawked!! the people there were great!! hahas. everyone was friendly. nnd funi. the environment was great too. but my legs are seriously tired. hahas. standing for the whole day. having to walk here nnd there. serving the customers. nnd having to maintain a good attitude nnd cheerful smile. iits actuali not veri easy. in fact. its kinda tough. u have to reali rmb alot alot of ur memory has to be good. which in my case.. my memory seriously i had to like double or thriple check smtimes. but luke(the boss) was seriously nice.everybody there was nice! make that reali reali reali nice. hahaha. :) i reali love working. iits fun. nnd uu have to work hard. so i cant laze around. hahas. nnd today i spoke veri little vulgarities! :) great improvement. lolls. there was no opportuinity to lahs. coz we were busy working nnd everiting. which is like reali great. it oso keeps me from thinking. i tink wat i hate most is the ride home. damn iit man. i m like all alone. on a bus with no other females nnd so mani banglahs.hahaha. but all the same. i loved to work nnd i tink it was reali great that god gave me such a gd environment to work in for my first time. :) thank you. :)
hmms.. hopefuli.this job can teach me how to be more responsible nnd to have a better attitude.
i love working. :)
December 12, 2006
clare posted at 7:11 PM
*whooHoo!* hahaha. just came back from batam. :) ok..well. it was kinda boring coz we do the same bloody ting again everyyear.. pls..just change the bloody itinerary for once lah. =.= hais. but i love my resort!! it was a beachside resort. it was comfortable ,beautiful, nnd fun! hahas. :) got TANNed?? hopefuli. hahas. :) wanna just be darker. hahas. :)
wat we did:
1st day: reached batam at 12 or 1 plus. den went to resort.take lunch. nnd den unpack..den swimming.bathed..then dinner. den watched HONG XING DA JIANG. hahas. :)
2nd day: woke up at 8:30 (singapore timing) den breakfast.den went on a tour. den luchED at this seafood restaurant. the food were not good! the resort derh better. den went to shopping. normally.i will be like super excited.i was. but wen i reached there.. i was tis shopping centre sarks. nth derh lohs. alamak. waste my bloody time.. ermms. eat alot for dinner. hahaha. :) 3rd day: wake up. breakfast. swimming.den pack bag. den LUNCHed. den go back! hahaha.
ok lahs. quite boring..esp the shopping.din buy aniting. =.= but i love the sun. the swimming. nnd all my family nnd frens. reali missed the com wen i was there.. kaos. at nite canot on tinking about my com. hahas. addicted. :)
ii beginning to hate her lerhs.. hais. why like dat? maybe not hate..just dislike.. :(
misses nnd lloves.
ii hartts my baobeiis 184!!
December 9, 2006
clare posted at 11:22 PM
ermms.. sorii.the last two post was damn emo lahhs. pai seh worrs. =.=
ok..ermms.. well. tomoro. BATAM-ing away lerhs. coming back on tuesday. will miss my baobeiis nd frens sia. canot even msg them worrs. sadsad.. hmms. xuan baobeiis went to genting just now nnd coming back onli on thurs. will miss her sia.
hmms. my poor sis fell down.. ke lian wors. leg bleeding away like fark. cut super deep. yucks. i m sadist cn?? kp on looking..but getting goosebumps..ewww.. the blood..
hais.going pack bag lerh worrs.. :) hehes.. take care viewers. misses loadss. hartts!
misses nnd lloves.
ii hartts my baobeiis 184!!! :
clare posted at 4:23 AM
i dun understnad lerhs. i dun wanto understand aniting lerhs. i feel so blur. like everiings fading. i laugh at everyjoke. but..iits like i m not reali there. my soul is like elsewhere.. tinking bout things..hiim mainly.. muh hartts dead. DEAD. like wat is happening. wong jin long din used to be like tis. no she din. she was strong. wasn't she? so wat ever is happening to her will pass.. its just mood swings..i m sure. m i trying to kid? hahaha. its not supposed tuu be like tis. i m supposed to write how the story ends.. not hiim. isn't iit? my laughter sounds so fake. to muh own ears. my style of unreal tuu muh own eyes.ii din used to type like tis. so wat is happening to me now? questions swimming in muh own head. so mani tings. i dun understand. i reali tot nth lerhs. tat it was au over lerhs. but now.. muh tears just begging tuu be let out. but ii wun let myself cry. coz iim strong. so numbED to everiting. its reali as if..everytings DEAD.
clare posted at 1:34 AM
hahaha.. wats happening? hahahahaha. i feel so numbed. lolls. like no feeling like that. hahahahahaha.. wats happening to me? hahaha. ii reali tot it was all over lerhs.. but is like. i duno wat to say. hahahahaha.. suan lerh lahs.hahaha. feel so NUMBed.. so STONEed. dun understand though. y will like tis.. hahaha.tot it was all over lerhs.
today was fun. eat until..kanina. farking full.. lols. the menu could make u farking drool. knn.. i fat lerhs!! better stop eating so much!!! fat pig. urghh. yuckks yuckks yuckss. sarkker!! sarks..ii sark.
it feels like the stained glass masquerade now. Smiles to hide my pain. hahas. :) suan lerhs. maybe if i stop thinking about it. it will be gone.
DEAD.forever. HARTTsdead. BUHBYE..
ii hartts ONLI my baobeiis.mwarkks. tingg nnd xuan rawks my world!!!
ohyeah.. nnd jay chou too. noone else. yea?? yea!!
could he reali have forgotten? it was onli one mnth plus. cld he??
December 8, 2006
clare posted at 2:23 AM
Is there anyone that fails.
Is there anyone that falls.
Am i the onli one in church today feeling so small.
Cause when i take a look around.
Everybody seems so strong.
I know they will soon discover.
That i don't belong.
So i tuck it all away,like everything's ok.
If i make them all believe it. maybe i'll believe it too.
So with a painted grin. i play the part again.
So everyone will see me the way that i see them.
Are we happy plastic people.
Under shiny plastic steeple?
With walls around our weakness.
And smiles to hide our pain.
But if the invitation's open.
To everyone heart that has been broken.
Maybe we can close the curtain.
Is there anyone who's been there.
Are there any hands to raise.
Am i the only who's traded.
In the altar for the stage.
The performance is convincing.
And we know every line by heart.
Only when no one is watching.
Can we really fall apart.
But would it set me free.
If i dared to let you see.
The truth behind the person.
That you imagined me to be.
Would your arms be open.
Or would you walk away.
Would the love of jesus.
Be enough to make you stay.
the lyric is veri meaningful huh? this is wat everyone is doing. faking a smile..nnd breaking apart at the end of the day.
clare posted at 1:28 AM
Now is 8-dec. 1:30. 7th dec has ended..the day i hate most. nd thank god tat it has ended. its a new nitemare everyyear. but it oways ends differently.every year.. ok well.. dun tok bout it. yesterday was pretty fun. meet xuann nnd tingg at sun plaza.. den play nnd eat at mos burger.. after eating.. they ask me to "smoke" i say. can dun wan mahs.. dey dun allow.. hahaha.. i was like wtf?first time they force me to smoke sia.. hahas. den i felt got smting wrong. wen they give me the "cigarette".. i felt veri apprehensive. felt tat smting was not rite..hahas.. then they kp on asking me light the cigarette.. light.. i say dun wan. let kor light first they dun allow.. then i tot xuann angry. so i aniting.. say both light together. they say ok. but end up.mine never light up. kor derh light up 1st. den 'bang bang' hahaha.. like firecrackers like that.. we both kana shock.. hahaha.. it was damn funi. thank god i din smoke!! hahaha.den we cab to northpoint. coz kor wan to find his frens go smwhere. den we trick matthew nnd bobo. hahaha. they both so unsuspecting..kana trick.. matthew's reaction was damn funi. haha. we.xuann.nnd tingg. laugh nd laugh.. hahaha. poor them.. kana trick.after dat. me nnd my two bao beiis go take neo prints!! hahas. :) two times.. hahaha.. damn fun! den we went minitoons. but voodoo charms.. damn cute.. we buy the mini one.. quite expensive. hahas. me nnd xuann bought two each. tingg bought one. hahas.. but she got one free derhs. father christmas.. wahahas. :)so cute. :) mine both oso love charms. will work.. den we went for the CASTING CROWNS concert. my god. they were fantastic! hahas. :) i love them!!! they rawked.. hahas. so high nnd so full of energy. the songs were veri meaningful. :) love them!!!hmms..sunday going batam.. den is like so sad.. miss one drum lesson..fark sia.. ask my mum pick nicer date she dun wan listen. but ok lah. i not dai sai derhs so canot expect tings to change for me.. rite? yup.i was reali gan dongED. xuann nnd tingg were reali sweet. :) i love my baobeiis!! MOODSWINGed.. haish..wats happeninig to me??? i reali duno. he is oways on my mind. but there are so mani tings i m afraid of.. so mani so mani.. suan lerh lahs!!! just be hapi jiu can lerhs. rite? rite.. hapi jiu ke yi lerhs! :) voodoo doll will work its magic. hopefuli..misses nnd lloves.ii hartts my baobeiis 184!!! :)
December 7, 2006
clare posted at 2:44 AM

Grp pics!! hahas. :)

me nnd sam teo. hahas. :)

me nnd xuann!!
REDher. hahaas.:)
clare posted at 12:49 AM
tuesday nnd wednesday were the busiest day of my whole holiday.. hahas.. had loads of fun..on tuesday.. i went to yishun interchange to meet yeemay..justina..shawn..alvin nd nigel to buy the ingredients for the bbq at east coast the next day.. den we went to justina hse to was funn. hahas.. :) den at 4..i quickly rush down to pasir ris..wildwild meet ming xuan nnd her parents nnd cousins.. had loads of fun..even though i played a short while onli.. i love her family!! :) hhahas..den i stayed over..we gambled nnd played..hahas..nnd had loads of fun. :) then the nest day..i actuali planned to wake up at 8.30 nd leave pasiir ris by 9 but i onli woke up at 9.30 coz nobody heard my alarm rang.. evn though it was beside me.. =.= hahas..dumb rite? oh well..den since i was late.. i went back with xuanns parents..hahas..they bought so mani tings there lah! hhas.. den they had a hard time packing all the stuffs.. i was supposed to meet yee may nnd everybody at 12 at yishun int. but i reached home at onli 12:05!!! den everyone had to wait for me.. sorii!!! hahas.. i so dai sai.. coz the water dispenser with me.. w/o me..they will die.......of thirst. hahaha.. =.= but i feel reali bad.. i m sorii!!! east coast was fun.. hahas..we all had loads of fun nnd were not shy like last time.. at nite.there were so mani cockroaches at the rocks there.. my god.. then at first i tot they kidding..onli got one or two nia..end up is alot!!! wtf.. den i scream nnd scream whenever i saw one near me. den i was like marching.coz i was scared they will crawl over my feet. was so damn funi lahs.. so mani funi tings happened lah.. but too bad.. ii canot type out all.. hahaha.. :) smting reali swt happened on tuesday the chalet.. hahas.i was like seriously touched.. hopefuli bahs.. or m ii dreaming?feeling reali emo lahs..mood-swingED.. hais. reali fed-up. tinking bout alot alot of tings.. but i just wana have fun. but its so difficult wen i kp on tinking about it. i'd rather be alone. A.L.O.N.E. i m hapi.. i m.. no matter wat. i will try to be.. :) hahas..
posting pics later! hahas. :) zilian again. hahas. :)
yays..i m ok. its ok. :) lovess my baobeiis onli. :)
misses nnd lloves.ii <3 my baobeiis 184!!
December 5, 2006
clare posted at 1:27 AM
wahahas.. just now go n look at my two baobeii's derh blog archive.. so damn cute norhhs.. some blog entries make me laugh like mad.. hahas. damn cute.. hmms.. but realised from last time till now..alot of tings reali reali change lerhs.. hahas. but they still as cute as ever!!! hahas. :) love them so so much.. :)
misses nnd lloves.ii <3 my baobeiis 184!!
December 4, 2006
clare posted at 11:56 PM
today went far east shopping. den went to bugis for the job interview. :)
ok..1st of all. i have to say i m reali hapii about my buys for today.. i bought presents for my darlings..pam..cyn..nnd sam..wakakas.. hapi hapi. but iits a little belated though.. sorii guys. >.< secondly. it ink i mite have found myself a job.. :) hahas..the working environment there is great..everyone's friendly..nnd yea..the pay is ok. nnd the time is reali flexible. hahas.the food there is reali great too!! :) hahas.. so i tink i mite just enjoy this. hahas. :) today. for the first time in my whole entire life..i wore HEELS to go shopping..they were agnes.. i swopped with her for awhile.. coz she bought a new shoe nnd wanted to wear her new i wore her heels to see if it was nice wearing heels.. my god.. they hurt like fark ok?? damn it.. iits reali pain. fark. i walked a few hrs in them nnd i reali canot stand change to my own shoes.. own slippers feels fantastic ok?? hahas..but i dun mind wearing heels again.. coz they are nice?? hahas. :) today went to the library.. my god.. i miss it so long dinvisit the library lerhs..den everiting like feel weird weird derhs..yep..but i still love iit nonetheless.. :) tomoro going to buy equipments for BBQ!!wahahas..can't wait!! :) tired..tink sleeping earlier tonite..
misses nnd lloves.ii <3 my baobeiis 184!!!
p/s. i dreamt that rebecca darling came back to singapore yesterday!! wakakakas.. ii just miss her so much.. tink i go write email for her lerhs. <33
December 3, 2006
clare posted at 4:58 PM
shiit. was supposed to go to church today. but freaking overslept. die.. hope she wun be angry. sorii. shld have slept earlier yesterday. but the radio seriously freaked me out den i dun dare to sleep so early. >.< urghh..missesmisses. wats happening?? dunnoe..lolls. heck care. hmms..drum lesson later!! hahas.. :) cool. can't wait! PASSION!! :) hahas. go lerhs.. byebye.
misses nnd lloves.ii <3 my baobeiis 184!!!
clare posted at 2:54 AM
OHMYFREAKINGGOD!!! now is like 2.57 in the morning nnd like wtf??? the farking radio farking on by itself. ohmygod. i was like freaked out!!!! my god.. so i quickly called someone..hahas..the person whom i noe will oways pick up the phn derhs. :) sorii norhhs.. thanx alot! hahas.. pai sehs. wah..then not onli did the farking radio on by itself..i heard sm stuffs paper flying.... wtf?? arhh!!!! damn iit.damn iit. damn iit. i m scared.. farking scared. help..dun dare to sleep lerhs.. T.T somemore alone..damn it..somemore yesterday watch horror god.. shit tis.. the radio on by itself??? okok..there is bound to be a logical explanation..yea?? yea. ermms..maybe the buttons were faulty? yar..maybe the wind blew the papers so there was the sound? yar!! okok..ii m ok. yup! :) yup. my me..T.T
shit. pray.pray.pray.
clare posted at 12:46 AM
whoos.. BBQ ended lerhs.. nice..hahas.. loads of food..couldn't finish everiting.. hahas. :) but had fun. jerrold.nnd jerome went..yups. hahas.:) den i did smting VERI bad today.. feel guilty. but oso canot do aniting lerhs. >.< i m evil. hahaha.. monday going bugis AGAIN! lols.!! but with two missions in mind. to buy pampam b'daes prezzie.. to go for job interview. hopefuli can suceed. yar.. in need of money. nd the working environment there not bad. :) yups. k bahs. go lerh lohs. tomoro have to wake u early. go CHURCH. coz casting crown is going.. yar. hais. hope tings will go well. k lohs. go lerhs. tink have to slp earlier. scared tomoro canot wake up. yea. drm lesson tomoro! :) hehes.. hapi hapi. :)
misses nnd lloves.ii <3 my baobeiis 184!!!
December 2, 2006
clare posted at 7:34 PM
saturday lerhs..theres this BBQ going on now..apparently.but it was veri sian so i come up awhile.. waste my bloody time. sians.. but i m super hungry..whole day din eat aniting..urgh.just now train maple awhile coz got 2x exp. yea.. hahas.but i died once.. so lost all the exp. sad. hahas. urghh..downstairs got lots of dumb mosquitoes.. kana bitten like siao.. urghh..canot stand mosquitoes!! den my dumb sis..treat me like her farking maid..damn iit. hais.. hungry hungry..go sown eat lerhs.. whole day din even catch a bite.. hahas. later come back..msn again.. :) tink jerrole nnd jerome going..hopefuli..if not damn sian.. >.<hahas.. :)misses nnd lloves.ii <3 my baobeiis 184!!!
December 1, 2006
clare posted at 4:46 PM
woo..maple got new world lerh worrs.. hhas.. try going super lag. so mani ppl trying to train.. hahas.. tink i wait until lesser ppl den i train bahs..i rather play my bootes derh first coz got 2x exp on sat nnd sun.. :) quickly train my bootes derh first.. :) hahas..but feel like quiting maple lerh lehs..its damn sians.. ii veri long nvr play lerhs..until tis morning.go try..hahas..damn funi..i create new character den go train.was doing the quest tat needs u to hit those stupid boxes..yar..den sooo mani ppl were trying to hit..nnd wait..even at 4+ in the morning..dumb ass..hahas..wats the point lah..seriously.. hahas. heck care them..let them waste their time. y supposed to go church. but dun feel like. sorii xuann.k lerh bahs..tink later around 7 go jogging.. :) hehes..train train train!! :) byes! :)misses nnd lloves.ii <3 my baobeiis 184!!!
clare posted at 1:59 AM
whoos!!! its DECEMBER lerhs!!!! din notice at first. hahas. :) holidays was loadss of fun..yupps!! hahas.. enjoyed iit loadss!! hahas.. at first..ii reali tot iit was going to be reali reali boringg..zZz..but iit turned out pretty enjoyable.. hahas. :) ii love my current life..getting to stay out until reali late..or even staying over..nnd yet..noone seems to scold..hehes. cool.ii like!! well..except for some unpleasnt stuffs that happened..but..well..iits over..yups.. everiting..will just end if u dun tink about it. yup. :) hahas.. CHRISTMAS!!!! come soon!! hahaha..ii love christmas. ii still rmb wen i was young. ii wrote letters to santa. nnd even a b'dae card to jesus.. lols..i got my facts all wrong den. >.<
wen we were kids..the innocence then has disappeared. our thinking becomes complicated.we have become more scheming. iits inevitable? ii don't reali noe.. can we choose? ii miss the kids at AWWA.. my god..ii reali reali do miss those thursday. dylan..yusako..dawn..iffah. all of them.. so so innocent.. will they grow up to be like all of us? a question left unanswered..
is this LOVE? no. dun tink so? crush? or affection?nah..i m still young..relationships are still early.. yupps..i wun noe how to handle one properly aniwaes..nnd mess up..just like i did with the rest.
speaking of young!!!! ii FINALLY get to do my IC!! hahas.. hapi xuann nnd tingg canot use the ic to make fun of me lerhs..hahaha.. :) yays... so hapi.. ic!! have to go to lavender to god..the ic pic beta be nice..if not.. =X die..hahas.. ii wan to be older!!!!! hahas..
byes!! go lerh draw.hahas. cant fall asleep. >.< CIAO. :)
misses nnd lloves.
ii <3 my baobeiis 184!!! :)
clare posted at 12:12 AM
woa..seems like this saturday got bbq :) can't wait for wed!! 2ee class outing..dun tink mani ppl going though..sians.will miss them sia.. T.T yesterday wen meeet agnes ii overslept was damn funi. we both were supposed to meet at 11. but we both overslept..den she woke me up at 11:10 say we meet at 12:10. ok..den ii go back slp..12:20 den wake up..diaos... -.-''' poor agnes wait for me so long..hahas..pai sehs!! ii will nvr do tat again.. hahas.i wan to change my ways of typing..shit.. like let it be more normal..hahas.. training in progress. yups. :) hahas.hmms..feeling so messed up sia.. hais..feel like going to play until crazy!! go out ton..drink..yar.lolls..crazy me..i noe..misses nnd lloves.ii <3 my baobeiis 184!!!